First snow

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Sometimes during the winter it would snow in swallow falls. Everyone loved to go out and enjoy the snow. Although someone who couldn't care less for snow was mayor Shelbourne. In fact, to him it was obnoxious. It also made it hard for him to go anywhere, or get things done.

Snow had fallen from last night's storm. The forecast had shown to expect snow on and off for the next week. What made it worse is he had forgotten to go to the store to get some much needed food and groceries! He had meant to go yesterday before the snow came, but being a busy mayor, there's only so much time in one day.

Why did I time things so badly?? He asked himself. He didn't want to take the baby out in this kind of weather. Though what choice did he have? I will just have to make it quick I suppose. The mayor said to himself. He made sure Gil had a full bottle before going so he didn't get hungry while they were out.

He got some extra blankets and swaddled the baby in them. He made sure he dressed the baby warm. He grabbed what he needed then went out to the limo. The driver took them to the store. He could see some more snowflakes falling all around. It really was a beautiful sight. Gil seemed to be quite enjoying it too.

He smiled at the falling snowflakes, although of course he couldn't understand what they were, he was happy they were there! He was excited to see them swirling about through the icy air. Mayor Shelbourne noticed the snow all around really brought a silver like hue to Gil's eyes. After a few minutes they finally arrived to the store.

There wasn't much of anyone in there, not that he expected that, it was too cold for people to want to be out running errands. He went to the food aisle and got stuff that he usually ate. He then made his way to the baby aisle. Once he got everything he needed, he checked out. He then made his way back to the limo.

Mayor Shelbourne cradled Gil tightly to try and keep him warm. He really just wanted to get the heck out of there and just get back home before it started snowing again. Gil seemed to be rather curious on why everything was so white everywhere.

The last time he was around snow was back in New York City when mayor Shelbourne was bringing him home, and he was asleep for most of that. They finally made it home, mayor Shelbourne was struggling to carry both the groceries and Gil at the same time.

He decided to set Gil down really quick so he could bring in the groceries in one trip. It was only for a second, no harm done. He seemed to love the snow anyway. Gil lay there in the snow watching snowflakes falling, he started to giggle. Then suddenly, a small pile of snow slides off one of the railings of the mansion. It lands right on the baby.

Gil began to get fussy and cry, luckily he was able to still breathe. Although it was hard to hear his cries. A minute or two later mayor Shelbourne came back to bring Gil inside. Then suddenly... he wasn't there anymore.. what the?!? All he saw was snow where he left him. Gil?? Gil?! Gil!!! Where are you?! Where have you gone!? Gil!

Mayor Shelbourne began circling around the mansion looking for his tiny infant son. Gil! He looked where he last left his son but all he saw was snow. Gil!!! Where are you?! An unfamiliar panic began to set in. He was a baby, it's not like he could have gone anywhere! Gil! Oh no.. okay don't panic, don't panic, he tried to reassure himself.

I'm sure he's fine. UGH! I should have paid more attention to what I was doing! I should have just brought him inside, and then bring in the groceries! Said mayor Shelbourne frustrated. Why did I make such a poor choice?!? Gil! After several more minutes of searching, there was still no sign of his boy. That was very concerning. Well, it's not like he wanted a child anyway.. maybe he- then he shook his head. oh! What was he thinking!? He had to find him!

Gil! At this point Mayor Shelbourne was about to pull his hair out. Then suddenly, he heard a little squeal.. Gil?! Is that you?! He followed the sound until he went back to where he last left him. He then moved some snow out of the way and there was Gil! He looked icy cold! He was blue, he needed to be warmed up immediately.

Oh Gil! Mayor Shelbourne scooped up his shivering son who kept squealing. It's alright! Daddy is here! Hush Gil, it's alright, I'm right here. He cradled him tightly as he back inside. He definitely had to warm up his baby now. He made his way upstairs. He was only stuck in the snow for a short time but for a baby that was too long!

The blankets Gil was in were freezing and soaking wet. He quickly but gently undressed the baby and put him in the tub for some warm water. That seemed to calm down the baby's screaming. After the bath he dressed Gil in warm baby clothes a new diaper and warm dry blankets. He also got a warm bottle as it was time for Gil to be fed again.

That should also warm him up. Mayor Shelbourne turned on the fireplace. He fed the bottle to the baby while sitting down. That was awful... he thought to himself. When Gil was older, mayor Shelbourne knew he would be harder on him, but he's a baby right now. He couldn't do anything for himself.

After Gil finished the bottle, it was nightfall. After getting ready for bed Gil clearly wanted to sleep in his father's arms tonight. Mayor Shelbourne felt a sense of relief that he's never felt before. His baby was warm, and in his arms. Mayor Shelbourne held him protectively. Tomorrow they definitely were staying home! No more chaotic snow days!

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