Chaos at the park

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He had completely forgotten he had to be at another one of the towns openings today! Of course he had to be there... he's the mayor after all. Oh how he hates those boring openings. They could take hours! He really didn't want to bring his fussy baby and have to feed him a bottle in front of all those people.

He still had all his mayor stuff to take care of. So here he was on his way to the home his father hector evil man lives to drop off the baby for a few hours. He arrived at the home, and saw where hector evil man was sitting. Father! I forgot I have one of those stupid openings I have to attend just because I'm the mayor!

Mayor Shelbourne said as he walked in carrying baby Gil in a bassinet. Wait what? Asked hector evil man. No time to explain dad! I have to get going! The grand opening begins at 1! It's already 12:40! I just need you to watch over Gil while I'm out. This shouldn't take more then 2 hours, I'll be back then to pick him up. Said mayor Shelbourne.

Here's some extra diapers, blankets and baby clothes, and some bottles in case he gets hungry. I have to go now! Im running late. I hate these stupid boring openings! I'll be back soon! Then mayor Shelbourne left. Hector evil man looked down at the baby in the bassinet. How the heck am I supposed to know when to change the diaper on this thing? He said to himself.

When am I supposed to feed it? Does it need anything els? Wait.. he said he would be gone for a few hours.. Gil, my grandson.. what do you say we go on a little adventure..? Hector evil man said with an evil smile. Baby Gil only smiled back clueless of what was happening. Time to sneak out of this boring nursing home, and have some fun!


Ladies and gentlemen your mayor and great leader has arrived! Mayor Shelbourne spoke into the microphone. I am so excited to be here (not really) he muttered under breath, for the grand opening of the new swallow falls supermarket!

Some time later:

Hector evil man carried the baby in the bassinet into the park. It was a lovely day, it always is until he shows up anywhere typically. This is more like it..Said Hector evil man. Heheheh.... He rubbed his hands together evilly like a fly. He hung the bassinet Gil was in on a nearby tree branch, like a swing. Gil happily looked all around, he's barely been outside since he was born.

He was so fascinated by everything around him. Alright Gil! time for grandpa to show you some of the stuff he built! Suddenly Hector evil man saw that Flint Lockwood kid again. He was playing around in the park near the playground. He looked to be older then Gil, by a few years. That kid! I remember him! I've seen him before! He's not like other children...

Hector evil man saw Flint putting some gadgets together. He walked over to Flint to get a better look. It looked like some kind of small rocket. I knew it! I knew you were no ordinary child! Said Hector evil man. Then Flint released a kite to fly, instead of the wind carrying it, it was rocket powered.

Oh, you call that inventing?? Two can play at that game! Hector evil man pulled out a device he built recently. Watch this kid! He fired it up, and suddenly it shot out lasers unexpectedly. It hit a water fountain nearby melting it. People ran away from it screaming. Flint watched with curiosity and giggled. That's not what it's supposed to do.. said Hector evil man.

Hector watched as Flint played with the controller of his rocket kite. This wasn't an ordinary kite, it was big, metallic and rocket powered. Let me see that! Said Hector evil man. Flint gave him the controls Hector evil man tried to figure out how it works.

Then suddenly the kite rocket flew over Gil in the cradle hanging from the tree branch. Uh oh... said Hector. Suddenly the rope hanging from the kite tangled itself into a tight knot around the baby, before he knew it, Hector evil man watched as his grandson began floating away.. well that was unfortunate.. he said to himself.

Meanwhile at the grand opening:

Not only will this supermarket have a large selection of sardines, but there will also be a coffee shop inside! Said mayor Shelbourne talking into the microphone. As your mayor I will try the first cup of coffee from the new shop. Thankyou, he said as someone handed him the cup of coffee. He took a few sips. Then suddenly he saw something strange in the sky.

He spat out the coffee all over. What the?!? Is that.. MY SON?! Ladies and gentlemen some matters have come up that I need to take care of! Enjoy the coffee and vote Shelbourne! Said mayor Shelbourne as he ran off towards the rocket powered kite.

At the park:

Okay, said Hector evil man. I just had to run home really quick and build a rocket of my own to try and get my grandson down. He pulled out the remote control and activated the small rocket. It blasted off and shot into the sky with much more force then he intended to build. Uh oh...

The rocket went so high Hector and Flint couldn't even see it anymore. Then suddenly the rocket came back down at full speed about to crash. AHHHHH!!!! Flint ran away screaming. Then BOOM!!!! Mayor Shelbourne saw the big explosion coming from the park. What the!? He finally made it to the park. Hector climbed out of a burned hole in the ground where the rocket landed covered in dirt and ashes. Bleheheh!!!! He coughed out some smoke.

Flint watched the whole thing in amazement. Mayor Shelbourne ran over to Hector evil man. Father! Where is Gil?? What? Oh, he's flying around on a kite so I built that to try and get him down, said hector. Flint finally found his remote control and brought back the kite from the sky. Mayor Shelbourne snatched his baby from the kite.

This is exactly why you can't be out in public dad! Said mayor Shelbourne looking annoyed. You can't even spend an hour out in the park without scaring people to death! Well you know what scares me to death?? Asked Hector, it's the possibility that this child over there could somehow be smarter then me! Said Hector evil man. I'm supposed to be the greatest inventor here! There's no way this kid is going to take that from me!

Oh Pish posh! Enough dad! Your talking nonsense! It's time to go back to the home! Ugh fine! Said Hector evil man. Mayor Shelbourne held Gil close and started his way back home, that's enough chaos for one day.. he thought to himself.

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