The night before Christmas

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'Twas the night before Christmas in the Shelbourne mansion, all was quiet and all was peaceful. The only sound was the wintry wind blowing outside, along with the crackling of the fire place. A small cradle next to a large king size bed, laid a little baby peacefully sleeping in the night, all the while mayor Shelbourne had finally took care of some unfinished mayor work, was about to sleep as well. His duties as mayor was very busy during this time of year. He did some thinking.

This would be Gil's first Christmas. His son's very first Christmas! He looked down in the cradle next to his bedside, his little baby sleeping, with extra blankets to keep warm on this winter night. Mayor Shelbourne knew most children believed in Santa Claus, or as swallow falls tradition, lobster claws, and couldn't wait to see him. He knew all the children couldn't wait to receive gifts, and all those fun Christmas activities they all liked.

He knew all the children loved listening to Christmas stories, and making gingerbread houses, and fill stockings, and go looking at all the town's Christmas lights, writing Christmas letters to send to the North Pole, and bake Christmas cookies. Mayor Shelbourne knew how much the children loved Christmas. He looked down in the cradle at his own son once more. No, no his son will not be participating in such childish activities when he's older.

No, Gil was the son of the mayor, therefore he would act like so, mayor Shelbourne thought to himself. If he wanted to shape his boy up to be a proper young man, son of the Mayor as a matter of fact, he had to be firm. No childish behavior. There will be no silly Christmas traditions or any silly traditions for any time of the years for that matter. No he will grow up with expectations.

No toys, no silly activities, no childish behavior, none of it, and definitely no neediness. He must raise him not to be needy or expect affection. Although Mayor Shelbourne looked at his son again. It was his very first Christmas. It would be his first time seeing Christmas lights and Christmas trees. If he allowed Gil to play with toys as a baby would it really be so bad? Mayor Shelbourne thought to himself. It's not like the child would remember it in the future.

It would also keep him entertained and quiet. Mayor Shelbourne decided perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to let his son enjoy his first few Christmas holidays of his life. He did get his child some toys, he did not want to encourage childish behavior, however his boy was only a baby. Mayor Shelbourne couldn't help but smile at the thought of Gil opening his first Christmas gifts ever tomorrow morning.

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