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As the Mayor of swallow falls, I want to wish you all a merry Christmas! Mayor Shelbourne spoke into the microphone in front of the crowd. Today he was at the mall at the grand opening of a Christmas event. Little baby Gil laying in a bassinet a few feet behind him on the stage.

And in 1 hour I will cut the ribbon to open the brand new ice skating rink here in the swallow falls mall!  Thankyou, and vote Shelbourne! Mayor Shelbourne sighed with relief as he walked off the stage holding Gil. He really hated having to go to these boring openings, but since he was the Mayor, he had to.

Thank goodness that was over, now all he had to do was wait one more hour, open the new ice skating rink, then go home. He wanted to go somewhere less crowded to wait, he didn't like being around so many people. Especially if the baby were to start screaming because he was hungry.

He just wanted to take Gil and go home. He walked over to one of the Christmas trees holding Gil. Gil seemed to be fascinated at how shiny the ornaments on the tree were. He stared with curiosity at the tree all lit up. He smiled and tried to reach for one of the ornaments on the Christmas tree.

Gil no that's not a toy! Said mayor Shelbourne. He really should have brought something to keep the baby occupied. In fact, he didn't want to bring Gil at all, but he couldn't find a babysitter, and couldn't rely on Hector evil man, from what happened last time. He still got shivers from that. He nearly destroyed the whole park, No, he can't risk that again.

Mayor Shelbourne walked around with Gil in his arms, doing everything he could to keep him from getting upset and screaming. He had forgotten to bring baby bottles.. of course he did.. today of all days.. some people would walk up to Mayor Shelbourne and say hi to the baby! Oh he's so adorable mr Mayor! A few people said.

Are you married mr mayor?? Is this your first child?? They always ask. Mayor Shelbourne started getting annoyed with having to constantly tell the story over and over, about how the mother just wasn't in the picture, and they only saw each other for a short time. Yes, he is my first, and my last. Said mayor Shelbourne. Some people would try and make the baby laugh.

Gil smiled at everyone who came by to see him. Oh he's such a sweetheart! One lady said. It's so nice to meet the son of the mayor! Aww! I can see where he gets his looks too! Even though they all mean well, Mayor Shelbourne really wished everyone would just back off. He didn't even really want to be here, he wanted to just get this over with, and get home to feed Gil before he starts screaming.

An hour passed, and it was time. Mayor Shelbourne! It's time! One of the reporters announced. Oh, alright, mayor Shelbourne looked around for the bassinet to put Gil in.. where did I put that? Oh yeah. He grabbed the bassinet and placed his son in it. Then Gil began to get fussy.. he started to cry out, he wanted to be in his father's arms. Gil no! Hush! This isn't a good time.

Gil wasn't having it. He didn't want to be in his cradle. He wanted to be held by his father. Mayor Shelbourne picked Gil back up in annoyance, Gil, you are embarrassing me! Stop it! Hush! Oh the poor thing! Said some lady nearby. Here, I can hold the little one! She offered. Mayor Shelbourne hesitated at first, he wasn't sure how he felt about a random stranger holding his baby..

Though why would he even care? He was exhausted, and would love to take a break from that energy sucking leech of a son. Alright then, mayor Shelbourne placed the baby in the strangers arms. She seemed nice and gentle. And to his udder shock, Gil didn't even start screaming. As long as he could see where his son was, and he remained within his sight, he supposed it would be no harm done.

He was only going to be few feet away anyway. It's not like he was going anywhere. Ladies and gentlemen of swallow falls! I am so excited to be here! (Not really) he muttered under his breath. Mayor Shelbourne spoke in the microphone to the crowd once more. It is time to cut the ribbon, and open the brand new ice skating rink in the mall! Just in time for the holidays! The crowd cheered excitedly.

Not only is it an ice skating rink, but as you can see in the center of it, one of the largest Christmas trees on the island of swallow falls! I wish you all a merry Christmas and vote Shelbourne! Mayor Shelbourne was about to finish his speech when suddenly, he didn't see the woman holding Gil anymore..

Where has she gone?? Mayor Shelbourne looked around for his son. Then he heard a familiar cry. Not just any cry, a desperate helpless cry of his son. Then, there, a different stranger, some guy holding Gil. Mayor Shelbourne would have been fine with that, except he was walking away.. why was he walking away with HIS SON? Where was he going!? Before mayor Shelbourne even knew what he was doing, he ran off the stage after them.

He ran up to the guy holding Gil. GIVE ME THAT! He snatched Gil out of his hold, and shoved the man harshly, making him fall over. Mayor Shelbourne held Gil protectively, he glared angrily the man. He let out a sound that sounded like a growl of some sort. Mayor Shelbourne! I am so sorry! Said the woman from before, running up to them.

That man is my brother! I asked him to hold your son while I went to the bathroom, I should have told you I'm sorry! Then why was he walking away?! Asked mayor Shelbourne in an angry tone. He was getting kind of fussy, so I thought I would take him someplace less crowded, but that only made him scream, explained the man. What is wrong with you?! Asked the woman glaring at her brother.

You don't just walk away with someone's child and expect them to not freak out! Yeah sorry about that.. heheh.. replied her brother. I'm so sorry Mr mayor! If it were my baby, I would have freaked out too! My brother can be an idiot sometimes.. Said the woman. Mayor Shelbourne glared at them angrily some more, then turned around to leave. He noticed everyone was staring at him a bit stunned on what just happened. He didn't even care at that point.

This exactly why he hated going to these things! He exited the mall after that, and got in the limo that was waiting outside, to drive them home. Mayor Shelbourne held Gil protectively in the limo. He was still crying, hush, Gil it's alright. Your father is here.. I'm right here it's alright. After a minute Gil seemed to calm down. He could sense he was in his fathers arms again.

After a while, they got back home, mayor Shelbourne prepared a warm bottle and went upstairs. As he fed Gil, he thought to himself. He didn't mean to freak out! He just.. he didn't even know what happened. Gil was SO irritating! He loved it whenever he got a break from him. However something just made him upset when he saw that person walking away from him with his son.

Ugh! He hated the press! He hated being around that many people at once! He hated those boring openings, and now he shoved someone down in front of all those people! He hated all of it! See how much trouble you cause Gil!? Said mayor Shelbourne looking down at Gil while feeding him a bottle.

This is exactly why things will be a lot easier when Gil can walk. He won't have to be held anymore, and he won't have to worry about other things like that, so much. He was already so needy! As soon as Gil can walk, he can finally start ordering Gil around. Yes.. once he was old enough to understand his father's commands things will be much easier...

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now