The hunting

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He really shouldn't be doing this. Hunting, in wolf form, at night with his infant son. He knew in the back of his mind this was not safe for a baby by any means, however, if Gil was going to get use to the fact that his father was half werewolf, then he would need to be exposed to these habits as early as possible. So there Mayor Shelbourne was, carrying a small baby bassinet in his mouth, with his tiny infant son sleeping in it, cuddled in warm blankets.

Mayor Shelbourne couldn't help it. He couldn't stop his wolf like instincts to catch prey, and he was hungry to say the least. Each time he found prey he would set the bassinet down on the ground and go to attack. He made sure Gil was always within his sight. He was only a baby. Just then, mayor Shelbourne say the perfect prey. A nice looking deer spotted in the woods. He set down the baby bassinet very slowly and quietly.

He made sure to remember where Gil was, then he lowered his body downward to the ground to hide himself. He crawled very low level to get a closer target. He hid himself well. He has had much practice in the past. He hid himself behind a big rock. He watched the deer closely in the distance. He looked behind him to make sure his son was still there in the bassinet sleeping. He didn't have to worry about not seeing in the dark since his senses had heightened greatly each time he was in wolf form.

Finally, he was close enough to have a shot at catching this deer. Then, faster than any human could ever run, mayor Shelbourne dashed on all fours and it only took 10 seconds for him to catch his prey. He finished the job quickly, and helped himself to a feast of meat. He was much too distracted to realize what was happening with Gil. He was so hungry, and was finally getting satisfied.

Meanwhile, little Gil had awoken, surprisingly not crying out for his father as usual. Instead he was curious about his surroundings. Gil looked up at the beautiful stars above and giggled. He reached out for them with his hands as if he could hold them. The night sky sparkled in the reflection of Gil's blue eyes. Gil wanted to explore. Gil was getting stronger and managed to roll over and get out of the bassinet! He crawled out. Mayor Shelbourne having no idea his son was ready to crawl!

After mayor Shelbourne was finished eating he slowly made his way back to the baby bassinet. It was time to fetch Gil, and go home. He was tired now. He also wanted to make sure not to catch prey too close or it would wake up Gil. He looked over and what he saw made his heart drop. Two coyotes sniffing the baby bassinet. Mayor Shelbourne roared in a deep wolf like growl getting ready to attack the coyotes with angry dilated eyes. He scared them away faster than he had ever scared any other animal away before.

He looked in the bassinet. His baby was gone!!! Mayor Shelbourne grabbed his head with his claws, pulling at his furry wolf ears. THIS CANT BE HAPPENING?!? WHERE IS HE?!? Mayor Shelbourne panicked. Sure, he didn't want a child but that was still HIS CHILD. GIL! Mayor Shelbourne cried out. GIL!!! Mayor Shelbourne got on all fours and sniffed for his son's scent all over.

Mayor Shelbourne's heart pounded as he thought of his tiny helpless infant son, being attacked or worse, killed, while he wasn't looking. Then finally, he heard a small giggle behind him. It was Gil! GIL! Mayor Shelbourne immediately scooped up his only child in his arms. He checked for any potential injuries. Nothing. His son was laughing and seemed perfectly fine. He seemed like a happy little baby boy. HOW??? Mayor Shelbourne though to himself. His child couldn't even sit up!

One of those coyotes must have tried to sneak away with his baby. Little did mayor Shelbourne know, Gil was already capable of crawling. Gil was so excited about this new experience! He was ready to explore, and wander all around, and discover new things! He was ready to see the world around him.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now