The airplane

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After everyone had boarded the plane, they were about to take off. Mayor Shelbourne was relieved no one sat near him, especially if Gil were to cry out because he was hungry. The seatbelt signs were on. The plane slowly made its way to the runway for takeoff. Mayor Shelbourne looked out the window and saw the skyscrapers of New York City light up the sky. He could see snow falling as well.

It was around 11:00 at night

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It was around 11:00 at night. Then the plane began to move very fast down the runway. Suddenly Gil began to squirm and make squeal sounds. Mayor Shelbourne cradled him more tightly. Shhh, it's alright Gil, daddy's here, he said softly. The plane then took off.

Gil was a bit fussy while the plane was going up. Mayor Shelbourne cradled him tightly trying to hush his baby. Finally once the plane straightened out, Gil fell back asleep. Mayor Shelbourne tried not to move much. If the baby slept through the plane ride that would be really great. It would give the mayor some time to think.

He knew he didn't want to encourage affection when the baby was older, he didn't want him to become a needy whiny son that constantly needed attention. That would just be irritating, but right now he was a helpless tiny baby. And this baby was all his. No one to share it with since the mother died. All his..

Which meant he will raise Gil HIS way. And his son would always be aware of his father's authority. He would always be aware that he will do whatever his father says, when he says it. And he would make that clear at a very young age. He would always be under his thumb, that was for sure.

He had to make his son afraid of him. How els will he keep him in line? He is the son of the mayor, and he will be expected to act like so.  No whiny or childish behavior, and his son will cater to his every whim. He will be sure his son will obey his every command, and be afraid not to. Control was the key. At least according to Mayor Shelbourne.

He looked down at his sleeping baby. That's right my boy.. your going to be my obedient little son.. your going to do everything I say when I say it. You will be raised with expectations. I'm taking you home, and you will grow up obedient. Of course Gil was clueless of what he was saying. Little did he know his father had him in his arms taking him home, to his confined life. Although he brought his child into the world by accident, he may be able to use this opportunity to shape him into a fine servant like son.

No he will not allow his son to act needy. Of course right now he was just a tiny helpless baby. He won't even remember anything. He knew he was going to be needy as a baby. Every baby was needy, since they couldn't do anything for themselves. A little while later Gil began to squirm in his arms again, and began to get fussy.

Mayor Shelbourne pulled out another bottle, fixed up the formula, then held it for his son. Gil was happily feeding off the bottle. They were both having a long night on the airplane. He really just wanted to get his son home. That way they could actually try to sleep. He hoped Gil would sleep through the night, but with babies, especially newborns, that was no guarantee.

                          A few hours later:

They finally made it back home to the Shelbourne mansion. Mayor Shelbourne was tired. He made his way to his bedroom. He really wanted to put Gil in his cradle so he would hopefully sleep. Gil began to squeal and make a fuss again. Oh what now..? Mayor Shelbourne said. You can't possibly be hungry again! I fed you, at the airport, on the plane twice, then in the taxi on the way home! Mayor Shelbourne said exhausted.

Mayor Shelbourne held his squealing baby out in front of him. What's the matter boy.? What is it?? BLEH! Oh that's what it is! He really needed a diaper change. That's so gross Gil! Bleh! Mayor Shelbourne said trying not to throw up in his mouth. He set Gil down on the bed and went to get a new diaper and changed it. Gil finally stopped squealing. There. That's better isn't it?

Gil's cradle was right next to his own bed, that way he won't have to walk all the way to his room just to feed him every time he cries at night. There was a bigger cradle in his room for when he was a bit older. He wrapped Gil in extra blankets since it was a cold night. He set him down in the cradle next to his own bed.  Now Gil, please, hush and go to sleep. Said mayor Shelbourne.

He gently rocked Gil's cradle at his bedside, and Gil fell asleep. Mayor Shelbourne used that time to get ready for bed himself. He got into bed and looked down at Gil in his cradle beside him. Finally he's calm he said to himself. He turned off the light for the night.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now