Hush little baby

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It was all quiet in the Shelbourne mansion, not much sound other then the quiet tick tock of the clock in the master bedroom. Some cold wind blowing lightly outside the windows, little Gil Shelbourne lay in his cradle sleeping in the night. Mayor Shelbourne sleeping in the much larger bed beside him.

It was almost 1 am. Things were rather peaceful through the night. Mayor Shelbourne was almost fully asleep until he heard some small squealing. Ugh... he said to himself. Gil.... Mayor Shelbourne was woken often twice in the middle of the night, from his hungry crying baby. Alright Gil, alright.

The baby kicking and squirming trying to get out of his cradle. Of course he couldn't, as he couldn't even sit up on his own yet. Gil, shhhh be quiet, Mayor Shelbourne said as he got out of bed and scooped up his tiny baby. He cradled him close to his chest to warm him. Gil hush, it's okay. Mayor Shelbourne made his way down stairs to warm up a bottle.

Gil got hungry pretty often in the middle of the night. He wouldn't stop screaming at this point. Gil, hush up, it's coming. Once the bottle was ready and heated up, mayor Shelbourne took it upstairs, holding Gil. He went back to his bedroom and sat down in his chair near the fireplace.

He used his hand to support the baby's head and offered him the bottle. Gil gladly began feeding from the bottle. He sure was hungry. Gil seemed to drink all that down way too fast. Gil no stop that, slow down. Finally after finishing the bottle, Gil began to whine a bit. Mayor Shelbourne held up Gil in front of him.

What is it now? What's the matter boy..? Mayor Shelbourne giving a confused look. Then suddenly Gil spit up all over himself, and mayor Shelbourne. Oh Gil! That's disgusting!!! Your so gross Gil! Why are you like this?! No throwing up on daddy! Mayor Shelbourne set down the fussy baby on his bed and went to go clean himself off. He then came back with some wipes to clean off the baby.

Gil clearly didn't like that, be kicked and squirmed all over. Well if you would hold still, I would have been done by now! Said mayor Shelbourne annoyed. He got some new baby clothes and changed the baby. He then picked him back up. See Gil? That's what happens to drink it too fast.

You have to-OWWW! He said as the baby pulled on his fathers hair. Gil no, don't do that. It's the middle of the night, it's time to go back to bed. It was already 1 am. Gil began to use his voice making baby sounds. It sounded like he wanted to wake up. No Gil, quiet down! It's time to sleep. Mayor Shelbourne set him back down in his cradle. Daddy is so tired! Said Mayor Shelbourne.

But Gil wasn't having it, be began kick and make a fuss. Ugh Gil... your so needy... Mayor Shelbourne thought about letting Gil just cry but he really wanted to get some sleep. He knew that there were several more nights to come that he will be awaken by Gil being hungry. He picked Gil back up and sat down in his chair.

He really didn't want to Gil to grow up needy, irritating, or touchy. Although, he's only a baby. It's not like he's going to remember anything. Please Gil.. go back to sleep. Why are you always awake at this dreadful hour of the night?? And only to wake me again 2 hours later! Gil only responded by being more fussy.

Mayor Shelbourne stood up and walked around cradling Gil. He knew he was going to have to get use to the sound of a crying baby in the middle of the night. What? Do you really expect me to feed you again only for you to throw up all over me? No, you're going to have to wait a few more hours Gil, said mayor Shelbourne. He cradled him closer, and he finally stopped crying.

He rocked the baby back and forth and walked around a bit. Finally, Gil started to fall asleep. Mayor Shelbourne sighed from relief. He carefully placed Gil back into his cradle. He rocked it slightly then went back to bed himself. A little while later mayor Shelbourne was awoken to yet another hungry cry.

He went and warmed up another bottle and fed it to his son. Luckily no throwing up this time. He rocked him for a little while, then put him back into his cradle. Gil began to get fussy again. Gil what could you possibly want?? He picked up Gil again in his arms. He was very tired. I am never having another child ever... he thought to himself.

Every time he tries to set Gil back into his cradle he makes a big fuss. He always wants to be in his fathers arms. How is he going to sleep if... no. He cannot allow it. He can't encourage this! What happens if he lets the baby sleep with him and then he will not sleep on his own? He tried to make Gil sleep in his cradle again.

But no, of course not. He only wants to be in his father's arms. Although.. it's like what he thought before.. he's not going to remember hardly anything until he's older. I suppose it wouldn't hurt, mayor Shelbourne thought to himself. Mayor Shelbourne got back into bed with Gil in his arms sleeping on his stomach. He pressed Gil's head against his chest protectively.

No he would not allow this to happen when he's older.. he didn't want an irritating child. Though while he's still a baby... if it meant he would be quiet, then so be it.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now