Gil finally crawls

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This chapter was thought of by TheASCIIWriter !
                                    Enjoy! :D

Gil was in the rocking cradle, doing what any baby would do, holding his favorite baby rattle in his hand. Mayor Shelbourne stared down at him and watched as Gil tried to put the rattle in his mouth. Whatever kept him quiet he supposed. They were in his mayor office, he kept a baby cradle in there for Gil. He sat back down at his large desk to get more work done. He couldn't wait until his son was old enough to do everything for him.

He could hear his son cooing at the rattle, and shaking it slightly. The cradle was always next to his large office desk, it was a very low one, as he could rock it with his foot. Every now and then, when Gil started to get fussy, mayor Shelbourne would rock the cradle with his foot by the sole of his dress shoe. Luckily he seemed occupied at the moment. He continued with his work. He was a very busy mayor and he had things to do. Gil would come to understand that as he got older.

He then heard his son starting to fiddle around in the cradle. Gil, shhh. Said mayor Shelbourne. Of course he got no response, as Gil was a baby and could not yet speak. Now, he really wanted to get some things done. Then there was that noise again, without looking at his son, he kept his eyes on his paperwork. Gil hush! Daddy is trying to get things done! Said mayor Shelbourne. Listen, I know you don't yet understand, but daddy is the mayor of this entire town.

I have a very important job you see? And when you're old enough will be catering to my every whim. Said mayor Shelbourne. He looked down at his boy. And remember son, you will have absolutely nothing to offer. If you ever think your existence was meant for anything besides serving your father then you're wrong. Thats the way of it son. I'm your father and without me you wouldn't even exist in the first place, but you do because I gave you life which you should be grateful for, so in return you are always going to do every single thing I tell you.

Gil just stared blankly up at his father, then smiled and giggled at his father's comments. Mayor Shelbourne rolled his eyes. He was talking to his son who was a baby after all. He went back to his paper work. After a couple minutes he looked down at the cradle, only to find his son was not in it. What the?!? Mayor Shelbourne looked around his office. Gil?!? Gil! Where are you?? He nearly shouted.

Then there he was, crawling all by himself, towards the large office window. Gil's bright blue eyes widened as he saw the city of swallow falls below, as well as the blue ocean, and waves in the distance. He also saw the blue sky above. He smiled and giggled again. Mayor Shelbourne just stared all surprised. He couldn't believe it. His son just crawled all the way around his desk and he didn't so much as notice a thing.

Why Gil, look at you! Finally! Mayor Shelbourne exclaimed happily. This is a step closer to you walking and me never having to touch you ever again! Mayor Shelbourne was so ready for the day he didn't have to carry his son everywhere, rock him to sleep, or feed him. Gil was getting closer to being able to do all that on his own. Once Gil was able to do all those things, he would learn to serve him 24/7. Mayor Shelbourne suddenly felt the need to rush Gil's progress.

Gil! Come here! Mayor Shelbourne leaned down onto his knees to encourage his son to crawl to him. Cmon son, come to daddy. We have to get you walking as soon as possible! Said mayor Shelbourne. It was about time too! He thought to himself. Gil was indeed smaller than other babies, but he was finally catching up. Mayor Shelbourne wondered if Gil would also have stunted growth.

It was no secret that mayor Shelbourne was pretty short. Now that he thought of it, he figured Gil would probably end up the same way. Mayor Shelbourne was short in stature, and Gil's mother was not that much taller. With them both being on the shorter side, it was almost guaranteed Gil would also be stuck at a short height. He would still grow though of course, all babies still grow, even people who are very short have still grown since infancy.

Gil crawled slowly to his father and finally made it! That's my boy! Soon you'll be catering to me, instead of me catering to your every whiny fussy disgusting baby ness! Mayor Shelbourne said happily. He couldn't wait to never have to touch that thing that was his son ever again. So he would encourage this process. He knew soon enough, Gil would be strong enough to fend for himself for basic things. He would figure it out at a young age. Although deep down Mayor Shelbourne would never admit it, but he couldn't help but feel proud of his boy.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now