Nobody Can Prove Us Wrong

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INFJs have the power of "just knowing" something; we always know everything before everybody else, as mentioned in the previous chapters.

INFJs end up always listening to people tell them the things they already know, which is annoying, but gives us a sense of pride.

Also, a common thing that happens to INFJs in a class, particularly at school, is they know to multitask.

For INFJs, the eyes and ears are different. Right now I'm sitting in a class and listening to my groupmates WHILE writing this book.

People don't understand that INFJs are LISTENING, they think they don't know how to multitask. In fact, most of my friends didn't know what INFJ even meant.

INFJs often feel bad because they're often overlooked or misunderstood. You see, INFJs face problems on the path to their success, such as family difficulties.

INFJs are always sure, they're never wrong. "Never wrong", as in everybody is never always right, but INFJs know everything about themselves.

If an INFJ has family difficulties, it's only because they KNOW. They never decide without knowing.

And so, something to prove my friends wrong. And again, no matter if they deny it now or not, it's always going to remain true.

The INFJ KNOWS, and friends aren't going to change their opinions, no matter how hard they try.

And fellow INFJs, I'm sure you can agree.

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