So, to continue with the series of explaining INFJ's main functions, today we're discussing their iNtuition function.
I'm going to insert a bit of the chapter where I explained intuition, and here it is:
N stands for iNtuitive. That means, relying on gut feeling to make decisions. You are thoughtful, smart, and make careful choices. INFJ's tend to find out all the information and make an informed decision rather than going with the flow and making choices in two seconds. We are also not daring and don't like taking risks. Risks as in PHYSICAL risks, like skydiving. But we're willing to take mental risks.
Let's discuss it all in detail:
N stands for iNtuitive. That means, relying on your gut feeling to make decisions.
So, the gut feeling is when you FEEL it, your body tells you what to do, this is the right option, or there is danger nearby. It's an amazing source for making decisions.
You are thoughtful, smart, and make careful choices.
Yes, this is what I meant. Thoughtful, as in, though we're inFjs, we use our thinking when making intuitive decisions. INFJs are smart, proven, and we are very careful and hesitant, which is part of our Judging function.
INFJ's tend to find out all the information and make an informed decision rather than going with the flow and making choices in two seconds.
Yeah, we make an INFORMED DECISION, that's a common phrase INFJs are represented by. We don't go with the flow; we make our own choices.
For example, people get bullied, or others make decisions for them, but INFJs, again, SPEAK UP! We won't let you manipulate, gaslight, trick, or control us, not with the INFJ!!!
We are also not daring and don't like taking risks. Risks as in PHYSICAL risks, like skydiving. But we're willing to take mental risks.
Mental risks, as in we don't like skydiving, as said, but we do like doing brain games and...well, sometimes INFJs can't think of what to say. Just google, "what is a mental risk". Idk. No, no, no, don't search it up.
A mental risk is when you're willing to think, process your thoughts, analyze stuff, etc.
INFJs have the power to get clues about what might happen in the future. Sometimes through dreams.
But the INFJ's gut is so powerful. One day before I went to school, my gut told me You're forgetting something, two days in a row. The first day I forgot my pencil pouch, the second my headphones.
INFJs have a lot of existential questions in their brains, and for me, it's what happens after death. Are we reborn? Will I have another life? Is this my only life? How many lives do we have? Stuff like that always pop into my mind.
INFJs make patterns in their brains, they make schedules, conclusions, statements, rules, affirmations, even unknowingly.
When we need to make decisions, we connect the dots and put together everything we learned in the past to choose what to do, often making the wisest choices.
INFJs often talk to themselves, getting negativity out of their heads, guiding themselves through tough times (because that's what we face).
Oh, I just found an old screenshot that explains everything I just said, so lemme insert it here:
INFJs have visual memory systems. We have visual imagery and we remember pictures, which is why I have good memory and I remember past events in my life.
Here's a text I found on Google:
When you say something to an INFJ, while they hear what you say, they don't really accept the words coming out of your mouth as the entirety of your message. They look at your eyes, your body language, your tone of voice, connect to your past and then try to determine what you really mean. This can make the INFJ prone to overanalyzing, but often their insights are very accurate.
Here's a link for further reading: In the comment thread.
Thank you.
Living As An INFJ
SpiritualBeing INFJs, the rarest personality type on the Earth, is not easy. Learning to find yourself and live your own authentic life is a hard task. This book includes relatable INFJ memes and opinions, useful facts about INFJs, and how to reach your full...