Prologue: The other Ashido

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Quirk: Perception

The quirk gives to the person the ability to see, feel and understand the life essence of the creation around her, from small plants to objects and human beings, giving her access to unique pieces of information and the power to bend it to her wishes. Isn't necessary to be close or see the target to do this, since she always knows where everything and everyone is thanks to her heightened perception.

She also can manipulate her essence to create pulses of energy that inflict serious damage to vital areas from her target, weakening body movements and functionality. Or she can overflow the target's mind with excessive acknowledgment about everything at once, which can drive the person insane, or to death.

However the more she uses her energy in battle, the more life essence will be drained from her own body, potentially causing bleeding, collapse, coma, or even death.

Another drawback of the quirk is the hypersensitivity in her senses, the vision being the most affected. That's the reason she's always covering her own eyes with something. Otherwise, the amount of information being percept all the time will slowly drive her insane.


The hallways of Yuei High are once again full of life. A new academic year is beginning, the rooms are full of enthusiastic students, craving to learn more and become pro heroes in the future, each one with their reasons and goals.

From hero to support classes, all are chatting loudly, meeting new people, and making some friends have by their side in this long journey they're about to jump in.

In a specific class, the most coveted one, where the students from the first year A are reunited, two close friends are anxiously watching the door. The restless legs and nails being bitten give away their expectation.

"Why is she taking so long? We're waiting since early morning!" the boy with red spikey hair whines, looking at his pinky friend. "Did you text her, Mina?!"

"Ugh, Kiri! Be patient! Bonbon said auntie Mandla had problems with some documents she left back in her country. They're talking with the director!"

"Don't blame me! It has been so long since we saw our Bonbon!"

"I know~! My auntie and uncle just had to travel to the other side of the world just before Yuei began. One month away is too long!!"

The whines from the loud duo got the attention of the ones sitting close to them.

"Who is this bonbon person you too are talking about since we arrived?" Denki asked, turning to look at them.

"Hey! Is Sisipho for you, got it?! She's our friend, also Mina's cousin."

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