Ch.12: Only girl in the world

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A few months passed since the attack back at the Forest Training Camp and one month from the first day of Class 1-A living in the dormitories

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A few months passed since the attack back at the Forest Training Camp and one month from the first day of Class 1-A living in the dormitories. Sisipho took her time personalizing her room and putting some different aspects, so this one isn't like the one at the apartment nor the one in the cabin.

It was a fuss on the first day, but the hype about the rooms and everyone showing off their styles decreased a bit thereafter.

Now everyone is focusing in create special moves and improve them, so the class can do great performance at the Provisional Hero License Exam.

Ever since their kidnapping, Katsuki and Sisipho are closer. The boy turns out even more protective towards his friend and the black girl now trusts him with her life. He helped her overcome the trauma, panic attacks, nightmares and to go back to normal life.

The squad helped too. Eijirou and Mina spent a lot of days at her house helping with everything she needed. Denki and Hanta sent flowers to Sisipho while she was at the cabin and she got all emotional with the cards on it.

In the end, the difficult moment only served to make their bond stronger and now they're inseparable best friends. Even her other classmates are closer now and all weekends that they're together, instead of out to see family, the whole class does a movie night.

It's like having a new and different family, and all of them are enjoying this life experience.

After some classes practicing, Sisipho finally came up with an idea for her moves.

"Manipulation: I use my quirk to see and control the essential aspect of my target, manipulating their actions and even quirks.

Repulsion: I create an area that will block anyone or anything coming in my direction.

Fatal Hit: I canalize my essence to create a mass of energy that I'll use to hit debilitating or fatal areas from the target's body to knock them down."

"Great job, Sisipho. You indeed focused on the strongest aspects of your quirk." Aizawa compliment her and the others, Cementoss, Midnight, Ectoplasm, and All Might agreed with him. "Try to practice more the last one so you can efficiently manage your essence."

"Yes, sensei!" she bowed and ran to her friends, that are also training their own, to tell them about it.

"Cute, but you can just turn off everyone's brain and end the game so easily, Bon..." Mina said naturally.

"Yeah, but I need cool moves too, to impose some fear, y'know?!"

"Ha! Because someone will fear this small chocolate ball." Katsuki joked, propping his arm over her head, the others laughed too.

"Fuck you! I'm only 10cm smaller than you!"

"Still small~!" he teased and Sisi started to hit him. "Ouch, call down fucker!"

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