Ch.06: Training with a Dora Milaje

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The internship week is about to start

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The internship week is about to start. All students from class 1-A are going to their respective locations to spend all this time improving their weak points.

The BakuSquad is texting out since early morning, all of them excited and sending pictures on their way to the heroes that will take care of them. Even Sisipho posted one, although she's only at her home.

Mandla and Sisipho got to their cabin in the forest to start the internship. It was one of the first things the woman owned when she arrived from Wakanda. A place close to nature like this reminds her of home and is perfect to work out her quirk.

Also, it's the place she passed most of Sisipho's infancy. With such a strong and at the same time debilitating quirk, the quiet and peaceful place was perfect to teach the girl how to deal with the heightened perception about everything.

The private forest is also a reservation, where all animals are free and protected, just like in Wakanda, where humans and the wild live together in union and equilibrium. The big cabin is in the middle of a clearing with the perfect amount of space to train freely without a worry about hurting or being disturbed by nobody.

The family only goes there for vacations or training, passing most of the time in their apartment in the big city, where Orion Ashido is now. Sadly he won't accompany the family during this internship week because of his job, as the CEO of Stark Industries headquarters in Musutafu, Japan.

Sitting down on the porch of the cabin, Sisipho is looking between her phone and the road before her. She's worried about Katsuki because he didn't answer any of her texts, not even the ones on their private chat.

Sighing in annoyance, Sisipho stood up and walked to the rail, leaning over it. She's using a big green gown and some tight shorts under it, which is too small to show. That's the outfit she likes the most to use at house, only that and barefooted. Her curly hair is tied loosely in a low ponytail.

Pouting, the impatient girl just waited.

When her senses felt her mom's car, Sisipho frowned at the unexpected presence coming with her. 'No fucking way...'

In a few minutes, an ash-blonde boy got out of Mandla's car. Sisipho's eyes widened in shock and she yelled at the duo, feeling betrayed.

"Why any of you told me anything?!" she crossed her arms, stomping the floor with her feet.

"Because you would be annoying me nonstop?" Katsuki's answer was predictable.

"Umama?!" she faced the woman.

"Ahmn... Surprise?!" Mandla said humored and got closer to kiss the pouting girl. "Katsuki contacted me a few days ago. I didn't expect him to choose me actually."

"I didn't expect you to choose me, Miss Ashido." he said all blushing.

"Umama, he's just a fanboy! Why did you choose him?!" she fake cried just to taunt the boy.

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