Ch.15: I think I'm falling...

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A distant buzzing was what woke Sisipho up

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A distant buzzing was what woke Sisipho up. Now the dizziness and sickness are long gone, but her head feels numb like a migraine is about to start.

The first thing she sensed was Katsuki's presence. By also feeling Aizawa, All Might and Recovery Girl, she deduced that this place is a hospital.

Opening her eyes slowly, she gazed at the sleeping boy, his head and arms over the mattress. He's out of his costume, and back to the uniform. Checking herself, only now she saw that her costume is long gone too.

Sisipho put her hand on his hair and started to brush it with her fingers. 'How it is so soft and also so spiky?!' she wonders.

Feeling the gentle touch, Katsuki melted right away. This is new and he likes it. No one ever touches his hair, obviously, but from now on he'll want more.

"Again you came for me when I'm in the hospital." she murmured to him, who grabbed her hand from his hair, kissing it a few times, happy that she was fine.

"Three times already, you need to fucking stop, Choco." he said teasing her, still with her hand on his face, nuzzling and kissing it. "You worried me..."

"Sorry, but it wasn't my fault this time."

"I know, don't worry. You surely fucked Orca good, huh?" he joked, making her laugh. "I never saw you so pissed before."

"Of course I was! How they sent a hero with a quirk like that with me in the room? Didn't he or the commission read about my heightened senses? This was so imprudent! My umama surely will come up for their asses."

"Oi, calm down, dammit! You need to relax and rest, so forget about it. Here, the doctor left this document with me and there are some instructions in it for your recovery."

"Aw no~! It was that bad that I'll have restrictions?!" she whined, taking the paper to read.

"I read it too so I'll be in your fucking neck to make sure you follow everything!" he said seriously, with a big scowl, that immediately faded out with her next words.

"Hmmmm~ I don't see a problem in this?! You can just do it anytime, my boo. Don't need to use this paper as an excuse~!"  she winked shamelessly at him, chuckling at his flushed face. "I made you blush agaaaain~!"

"Fuck you, Sisi..." crossing his arms, Katsuki looked away from her. "Always teasing me, this shit..."

"If you don't like I stop righ-"

"SHUT UP, I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" he whispers screams, more embarrassed now, but trying not to hurt her ears too. "It's just fucking annoying you getting me flushed every fucking time..."

"As I said if you want I can-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"But you said it upsets you... Boo, you're giving me mixed signals." she pouted.

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