Ch.11: Now I'm returning the favor

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Katsuki woke up with a huge headache

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Katsuki woke up with a huge headache. The pain only served to remind him about the nightmare happening.

The boy noticed that he isn't at the bar anymore, but definitely still in the same place, since the room look like the other, aside from the missing bar.

Sitting up with a lot of difficulties, Katsuki struggled to see around with only one lamp over him and some weak ones on the distant walls. He would care about the four villains watching him, but a whine coming from behind got him on alert.

Turning around he felt the fury consuming him over again by seeing Sisipho all tied on the chair. Loudly dragging a tall metal stool closer to her, Tomura sat down on it.

"Shall we wake up our guest?" he said bluntly, showing a remote controller.

"I'll fucking kill you... GET OFF OF HER!!"

"No, you will do nothing, you know why? Because if you even think of it, I'll kill her before your eyes."

"I'll have my hands on you before that happens!"

"Are you sure?" Tomura quickly grabbed her head.

"NO!" despair is consuming Katsuki now.

"See? You can do nothing, so behave yourself, Bakugou." the boy gulped hard in nervousness.

Even more, when Tomura pressed a button on the controller and Sisipho started to convulse due to a shock charge. It was quick, just to wake her up.

Panting hard and looking around, she tried to locate herself, but before that Tomura turned on the devices on her head and she cried in pain again.

Walking up to her eyesight, the blue-haired man showed the girl the big wound she left on him.

"You made me feel like living a fucking hell for weeks, not only because of my injury but in my brain, until now still hurts. So now I'm returning the favor.

These devices are my creation. Cool, right? It'll cook your fucking brain slowly. It'll hurt like hell, I made sure of being like this. Then, if you pass out of pain, the electrical shock will bring you back. Until. You. DIE!"

Laughing maniacally, he grabbed her head again and forced Sisipho to look down at Katsuki. She didn't even notice him so close, and that's when the girl cried even more.

"Kat..." she tried to call for him.

"You have a nice boyfriend, he came just to save you. Too bad this won't work out. But is good that he came, that way I can keep you behaving. You know why?" he asked squeezing her cheeks harshly. "Because if you try anything I'll decay his limbs one by one!"

Crying harder, she only shook her head, as a pleaded against it. She doesn't want him hurt.


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