Chapter 1: Naruto POV

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For as long as i can remember the people around me have hated me. they rally every october on my birthday, to come find me and do terrible things to me. I've never found safety. Today though, that's gonna change. I'm gonna go into the forests around Konoha, because I want to still be affiliated with this village even though they've put me through so much pain. I slowly walked to the gate and snuck out. I began my trek towards the outer edge of the forest, where I saw steam rising from the trees. it was November and I'd just recovered from one of my attacks. I decided to run away so the people no longer would see me or hear me, I'd become the silence and the darkness. I'd become the Unnoticed

It's been about four months, I've learned what and what not to eat. i've found plenty of fresh water, and my new friends are here. I believe that they don't speak the same language, but we can understand each other. they are monkeys. it's a whole troop of them we run together and hunt and catch food together. they are my family in a sense. We've become best of friends. I also met a hawk who likes me. it always comes to the tree i stay in. it's a tree with hollowed out insides, enough to fit like 5 people! it's incredible.  anyways i've learned a few tactics to catch fish without any tools. they can be really docile, and i hate killing them, but their meat tastes amazing. and it's natural in most cases, sometimes i use fire but i rarely do because of the environment i live in. my presence in the forest has not been noticed by Konoha or any anbu. I've been truly forgotten. at least the animals around here are nice. they treat me with respect and kindness, we share food, I show them safe ways to travel. we're closer than ever

It's easily been another 4 months, it's starting to get hot. meaning it's probably close to July. It's been so long since I've seen another person. I feel so animalistic, instead. I've made these forests my home. Interestingly enough today. I am seeing my first bit of action as a animal rather than a human. I've also learned the language of the monkeys. I saw some smaller village shinobi approaching the left entrance to the village. they were probably looking for the kunai I found in a birds nest. one barely saw the glimpse I wanted them to see. "OVER THERE!" I smirk and lead them on a wild goose chase through the forest to get them confused then begin my attack. I drop to the floor in front of one and sweep her legs. She fell to the ground with a "ough" then I was gone again. The leader I think said "are you okay?" The one on the ground said "where is it?"  I ran through the trees around them and said "You'll never find me, hehe." then I dropped to the ground and leg swept the second person." who managed to land a little better. "So your not trained in shinobi arts." I appeared in front of them and bowed and said "Welcome to my forest." and then led them further in. Soon i saw glimpses of other shinobi following me, konoha probably. after all this is their fight too. we stop and the shinobi battle. I watch in awe as kunai strike kunai. eventually the lesser village shinobi lose and are captured. A konoha shinobi wearing the chunin vest walks up to the tree I'm sitting in. "Why are you out here all alone kid?" I click my teeth and say "I live here, this is my home." The shinobi gained a look of confusion, then I started running away, I heard a yell say "What's your name kid?" I responded with Naruto Uzumaki and I think I made a friend.

It's been another 4 months it's really cold. I am usually either at the hot springs or at the caves near the Wolf packs. In this time I've met three different wolf packs. they roam the area and stay close together. I think the Okami clan have heard of me from their wolves. they are a clan nearby to Konoha, who are allies with Konoha. anyways, the hawk learned ways to communicate with me. although recently I've noticed symbols on him. he seems to be injured. today, I am going to check on him. so i follow him to a shinobi house. i watch as he lands on the arm of an angry shinobi. "Taka, Why did you run away again? I told you what would happen. Now let's go." i slowly crept towards him, Taka saw me and screamed at me. I immediately ran. The ninja turned around just as I returned to the house and saw Taka there. He seemed more hurt today. so we communicated. I found out that the Ninja that taka is dealing with is a man named Raiden, he's a drunk ex shinobi. who makes taka play with his kid, while he drinks away his day. I growled and snarled. Taka managed to calm me down. but I gained a slight hatred for humans because of it.

I recently have noticed I've been sleeping better, back when I lived in the village I was terribly sleepless. even well into this year. at first I thought that it was because I had finally found a safe place. but then I began to feel a presence that was warm and nice. So I began to meditate, I know that i am really rambunctious and I've taken to meditating to calm myself. it's been working clearly though, as my movements and other features have changed. I've become more animal than human at this point. it's like my environment has changed me. My mind has been able to now understand what the animals around me are saying, as taka has become more human voice to me. I can speak to all animals now too.

I've lost track of time, I've become so immersed in the world around me that I don't want to leave. But eventually I know I will need to leave to become a shinobi and protect the people around me. I still don't know the presence It's still just a step away from me. I've also noticed people are moving into the forests. they're searching for me i believe. let's see what they want. I sense a man in his late teens as i get closer i see he wearing full anbu gear, he's got a headband and i noticed a sharingan, It's gorgeous, so red. I step out from my hiding space. and squeak at the man. The shinobi turns around slowly and sees me, "Jesus kid, you scared me. wait..... Naruto?" I nod my head, as I've lost all words he'd understand. "how long have you been out here?" I shrug, "can you speak?" I shake my head knowing he won't understand me. "okay, just follow me, we'll go talk to someone." I nod my head and follow the man. "my name's kakashi by the way." I squeak at him "Nice to meet you too." I quirk my head to one side. He smiles and says "it just seems like what you were trying to say." I nod my head in an realization. "We're going to meet someone named Danzo, He's a warhawk i'll warn you but he'll know what to do with you. He also won't hurt you." I squeak in confirmation. He puts a hand on my shoulder and we're in a different place. I squeak in fear and confusion. The man said "it's okay, calm down." an old man appeared and said "Is this Naruto?" Kakashi bowed and said "Yes lord danzo." I bow out of respect, I remember that being something that people would do in terms of royalty or power. Danzo laughs a little and says "it's okay boy. you don't need to bow to me, Let's get someone who can help your voice get heard." I nod and squeak a thank you. Then he took me down a hallway. This hallway lead to a meeting room blocked behind massive doors. I immediately squeaked in fear known that this room held the civilian council. a massive deal in My beatings, I was terrified. We entered the room and just as I feared, there sat the civilian council. who didn't recognize me luckily. They looked at me in confusion. my bare body showing many scars from past battles my teeth and nails longer than humanly possible. A woman with pink hair asked. "is that the jinchuriki? He's become an animal, which is interesting." I squeak in defiance. and she said "Oh? feisty are we, well I can have you killed-" "ENOUGH" "hokage-sama?" Hiruzen was standing up and looked with fire in his eyes, Iruka popped his head in and said "Hokage-sama, We have a message from the Okami clan, Oh hey Naruto!" I Squeak and barrel into Iruka. Kakashi bursts into laughter Followed by many in the room. I blush in embarassment and Iruka said "Ough, happy to see you too. are you coming to the academy soon?" I shake my head and squeak. which he seems to understand and say "So you forgot how to speak to us?" I nod and he says. "I would be willing to teach you, if you teach me." I squeak in confirmation. he holds out his hand and says "Shake my hand, we'll make it a deal." I nod and he holds out his hand. I take one of mine and we shake hands. Danzo says, "Well that takes care of that. Naruto will be under my care, and he will live where he currently live." I squeak in a thanks. and he smirks. Hiruzen says "you better not turn him into one of your soldiers." I growl at him in defiance. Hiruzen stands down but says "believe me Danzo if you do that I will rain hell" Danzo only smirks and says. "No i only plan to make him work with Kakashi." Hiruzen sighed and said "Fine." Danzo said "come Iruka we'll speak in my office." Iruka bowed and said "Yes Danzo-sama" Iruka followed along with us to a large office in the building we were in. I felt trapped. Kakashi noticed my whimpering and said "lord danzo, can i take Naruto back to the forest and let him go?" Danzo smiled and said "of course, we'll set up a plan and we'll let you know Naruto." I squeak in acknowledgement. He smirks and said "good, Have fun in the forests." And then I appear in the forests again. I squeak in confusion and kakashi says "alright! well i'm letting you go, Come into the gate if you need anything. the guards will know what to do." I nod and squeak a thank you. then I disappear into the forests. I made some good friends today. We'll see what the next few weeks will bring.

AND chapter 1 done. Im trying to write in POV style, so we'll see you all for chapter two soon.

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