Chapter 6:Naruto POV

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I was walking through the forest when i felt a pulse of energy go through my body. A single message left in my mind. Meditate. So i went back to the tree and started meditating

When i opened my eyes I saw I was no longer in the tree but a sewer Then I heard a booming voice say. "Follow my Voice then we shall meet. I've wanted this for sometime." The voice was booming, but it was full of kindness, and love. so I followed the voice to a large room with a massive Cage. just the two beautifully blood red eyes appeared out of the darkness "so my jailer has come to mee- wait you think my eyes are beautiful?" the eyes widened at the end. "So you can hear my thoughts?" I asked, "We're inside your mindscape." the loud booming voice stated. "Ah so then if this is my mind, I can change it right?" The Voice Said "yes you can." I changed the mindscape by thinking of a forest with a beautiful sun a massive lake and a huge forest. then i saw the full beauty that was The Kyuubi. "so you think i am pretty?" I nod and say "of course you are! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!" The Kyuubi was taken aback by the answer. She felt it straight in her heart. it was her lover all over again his image flashing in her mind, she blushed and said "thank you kit." I asked "what's your name?" the kyuubi again was taken aback. "My name is Akane, And yours?" I said "my name is Naruto Kyu My last name shall be shared among my family." Akane started tearing up. "you'll use that name even though it's my title?" I smirked and said "it'll gain me and family a feared name, think of it like this, You'll basically be protecting us." Akane smiled and said "thank you kit. Come here." I bounded towards the cage. "Take off the seal and we'll be free together!" I started ripping off the seal then my father appeared. "Naruto Are you losing control?" I looked at him and smiled. "No tou-san, I am just fine!" Minato sighed and said "sorry Akane, I wasn't sure whether or not you had hatred towards the village or not." Akane sighed and said "It's there only because your village treats Naruto like garbage." Minato growled and said "should've made Hiruzen spread the news that you were my son." I said "it's in the past Tou-san, let's focus on the future." Minato said "be good alright?" I nod and he disappears. I suddenly gain memories not of my own and see the namikaze estate. I turn to Akane and ask. "How long have you sat in that cage All alone?" Akane smirked and said "usually my jailers come in and yell at me for the hatred they recieved, but you kit are different, I like you." I smirk and say "Well Akane It's mutual." Akane said "well shall we?" I rip the seal off and am blown back. And in a poof of smoke I am scooped up into the arms of a beautiful woman. "Akane?" the lady smiles and says. "good boy. I will train you in the ways of the beast. then when your older you can claim me as your own." She smirked and realization set in and i gained a massive nosebleed. "you want me to do that?" She smiled warmly and said "It's a true honor to claim a tailed beast. So by doing so, you'll also get access to some of my other. 'gifts' think on it. I'll expect an answer by tomorrow." I shook my head and said "yes" she looked surprised that i accepted so easily and said "are you sure, Once you accept you truly lose your humanity. You'll be a beastman. or as they sometimes call them demihumans." I nod in understanding and say "I don't care. I want this." Akane smiles and said "Then Kiss me." I blush a deep crimson and we share a kiss. I Felt power run through my veins. Then I'm pulled out my mindscape. and see Sasuke and Sakura holding onto me scared. "I'm sorry." they look at my changed face and say "It's okay, you look more beast now." I say "I spoke to my tenant. Sasuke immediately knew and Sakura gained a look of realization. After last night I told them what I found. They then said "what happened." I told them everything that happened. and Sasuke immediately asked. "and what 'other' powers did you get?" I shrug and say "I don't know yet, but we'll find out eventually right?" the other two giggle and i notice wooshing noises, I barrel into the other two just as two kunai aimed at their heads slam into the trees behind them. I turn around to see some rogue shinobi appear. it's two with Iwa slashed headbands. "So you heard us." I growl and sink to a crouching position. suddenly i see red chakra surround myself and a voice in my head say "Easy Kit, your anger will hurt your family, if you let it get out of control. Stay at one tail then we'll go from there." i nod and calm myself down. not letting my anger take control. I heard Sasuke behind me say "stay Safe Naruto." It was nothing more than a whisper but I turn to him and nod and charge into the two other shinobi. They shriek in fear and start running. since I know the forests better than them their immediately captured I see Kakashi sensei appear along with a small Anbu Platoon. "Naruto can you hear me?" he asks. I nod and let the chakra bubble away. I hear "You did well kit, We'll talk later okay?" I nod and say "Kakashi sensei. I captured to low level shinobi." I was using a professional voice as best i could. the other squad members were looking at me with distrust. Kakashi asked. "what's with the change?" I sigh and say "I spoke with Akane, or Kyuubi." Kakashi paled and said "It's okay bud, What did she say?" I told him what happened. and he too gained a massive nosebleed. "Okay Well interesting character. but we gotta go talk to Lord Hokage." my beaming stopped and Kakashi says "Don't worry we have a new Hokage. He'll be ruling like the warhawk he is." I beam once more and say "let's go." I gesture for My brother and sister to follow as well. We arrive at the Hokage Tower, We're then ushered up stairs and waiting outside the meeting room. Inside I hear "Hokage-sama, we're important, you need us." Then another voice say. "We never needed you we only asked for your consent but under the third you became power hungry assholes. so No we don't need you" Then Danzo's Voice. "Enough! we have guests. And they get to vote about what to do with you Civilian Council." There was a group of gasps of fear. Then we walked in and the civilian council uproared in anger. "You going to let them decide?" Asked Fugaku, confused. he would've assumed that Danzo would've pick stronger people to decide, not the Three most useless people in the village. or so he thought. Danzo said "Don't question it Fugaku, Remember Your Ex-son, is in this group." Fugaku gained a glare and said "I'm glad That He's my Ex-son," Hearing that the room dropped a good 2 degrees, everyone began to get fearful as Red bubbling chakra started to erupt from me.  Kakashi says "Naruto Says, "Don't you dare talk about my brother that way. If you do, The Uchiha clan will fall." And to be honest i am with him." I saw a kunai being thrown at me through the window, and I catch it out of the air and throw it back, Fugaku looks amazed at my throwing action and watch as the person who threw the kunai fall to the ground injured. I glowered at Fugaku and sqeauk at him. Kakashi says "Language, but i agree in this sense." (you'll all be guessing what he said for the rest of time hehehehehehe) I look at Danzo and Bow, He Iruka and Kakashi are the three who can understand me besides my brother and sister. "My apologies Hokage-sama." Danzo simply says "It's is fine Naruto. now decide what happens to the civilian council." I begin to say when Tsume asks, "What language is he speaking? because I can barely understand him." I turn to Tsume and speak wolf. "I have come up with a language that allows me to speak to all animals, so that's why you cannot understand me." Tsume nods and says "fair enough Kid," I say to Danzo, "I believe since they broke the law keeping my tenant Secret. they should be executed because of treason." Danzo smirked and said "That's something I can get behind. As of now, The civilian council is disbanded and all it members executed for breaking the S-rank law mentioning anything about Naruto's tenant." THe Civilian council went from angry to bleak. Mebuki saying "P-P-P-Please reconsider Hokage-sama. We are needed to run this village." Tsume again said "you were never needed remember that, and take it to your grave." Danzo said "Anbu, bring the civlian council to the jail and prepare the executioner." I bow again and ask. "Do you need anything more from us?" Danzo said "Why yes I do, you see the akimichi, Nara, and yamanaka, Abarume, and Inuzuka wish to train you in each style." I bow and say "I've got my own style, but i can certainly accept." Danzo nods and says "I remember your style, which has only been learned by three other people." Choza asked. "and what does this style have that's so special?" Danzo looks at me and I nod. "The style, is completely random, but also in a motion. it took my best lieutenant three months to master. and he's a masterful Prodigy Fugaku scoffed and said "I bet I could beat it." Kakashi looks at me and I smirk. Kakashi couldn't even predict my movements with his sharingan, It's a little concoction i've come up with. I nod and give a "come at me" motion  he growls and says. "If I win, You have to marry with my daughter and become part of the Uchiha clan." Kakashi says "And if naruto wins... He gets 30% of your treasury and your daughters' hand in marriage by joining the Kyuu Clan." Fugaku looked completely Arrogant and said "Deal."  Just then by motherly instinct Mikoto, appeared and slammed a pan on Fugaku's head. "DAMMIT FUGAKU, You can't just sell our daughter away. and How do you know if you've won already. He's the Damn Jinchuriki He's probably got something up his sleeve." I smirk and bow with Kakashi saying "Naruto Says Welcome." Mikoto said "isn't that Kushina-chans child?" I Nod and Mikoto hugs me. "aww my little Naru-chan." I turn and look at Sasuke whos' upset, i quickly point to him And Mikoto's face is dawned with Realization. "Sasuke-kun is that you?" Sasuke looks down and nods. Mikoto said "I was so scared when Fugaku cast you from the clan. I had to play like I didn't care because Fugaku was talking with the elders to see if I was with or against him. since then Itachi became the clan head with Fugaku only taking meetings while your brother is away." Sasuke nodded as tears dripped to the floor. I come up and hug him and say "it's okay brother, If you want to live with your family. Know I am willing for that!" Sasuke shook his head and said "I couldn't Leave Naruto, but Thank you for telling the truth Okaa-san." Mikoto smiled sadly and turned to me and said "take good care of him you hear me?" she magically had a pan in her hand and was holding it menacingly. I bow to her in respect and Kakashi translates for me. "I don't want your daughters' hand in marriage but if I win I will still be asking for the 30% of your treasury." Mikoto Glared at Fugaku but sighed and said "I consent to this." Danzo said "So it's decided Naruto will fight Fugaku Uchiha tomorrow at The Dome."

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