Chapter 7: Sakura POV

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As much as I love my family Sasuke is blind to my attempts to make him see I like him back. I feel like he doesn't see me. So I am going to talk to Naruto about it. "Hey Naruto, Can you help me with something?" Naruto turned to me and immediately nodded "Sure thing.  What's it about?"  I sigh and say "I like sasuke, I don't think he realizes our feelings are mutual." Naruto nodded and said "What does sasuke say when you tell him?" I blush in embarrassment and say "I haven't told him I like him but I've tried other methods." Naruto giggles and says "Maybe you should just tell him?" I look at him with wide eyes. "What do you mean? That would be so embarrassing. I couldn't do it. I don't have the strength." Naruto scoffed and said "Don't doubt yourself like that, tell yourself you can do it and you'll be able to." I Sigh and say "Thanks Naruto, I wasn't sure I could do it, but now I am sure." Naruto hugged me and said "I am always there for my family. You both may be my brother and sister, but that doesn't make it the same for you two. Just remember that, It won't be incest." I gain a blush and yell "NARUTO!!!" Sasuke appears and asks "What did I miss?"  I walk up to Sasuke and say "Sasuke, I need to tell you something." Sasuke looks at my serious expression and says "Sure go ahead, What's up?" "I like you." Sasuke seemed to freeze, then he gained tears in his eyes and said "The Feelings Mutual." We heard Naruto say "Try not to have too much fun." then proceed to burst into laughter while we beat on him. We eventually joined in laughing. then Kakashi showed up and said "Hey guys, What the occasion your all teary-eyed." Naruto burst into laughter again. "Sorry Sorry Kakashi-sensei, I'm just laughing at these two." Kakashi asks "What exactly did I miss?" Naruto explained what happened and Kakashi chuckled. With both me and Sasuke turning beet red about the incest thing. I asked Naruto "what you think we;re going to be fucking like rabbits?" I get hit on my head by Kakashi "Language," Naruto giggles a little more and says "Exactly. also Kakashi can you really blame us for cursing?" Kakashi shivers and says "I won't let you curse because I am scared of angry Iruka." we nod in fear too knowing that if we cursed around Iruka, It'd be a bad time for us. "so Kakashi sensei? What made you choose to date Iruka?" Naruto asked out of the blue. Kakashi pondered for a second both saying. "Well we shared a lot in common in the anbu, and one day Iruka told me that he was resigning, and that day I confessed my feelings. I originally had those feelings for my old teammate before he died although old me would've never admitted it." Naruto nodded and asked "Obito Right?"  Kakashi nodded and a singular tear fell from his eye. Naruto asked that's where you got that huh?" Kakashi nodded and we sat in solemn silence. Then Naruto clapped and said "Who's ready to train." Raising everyone's mood. We trained late into the day before Kakashi told us some important news. "Okay Guys, Here's the deal. the academy starts in a week. so I want you all to get in and kick ass." We cheered and Naruto slapped Kakashi's hand. "Language."  Kakashi chuckled and said "Fair enough. shouldn't become a hypocrite now should I?" Naruto nodded and we shared a laugh,

It's been almost a week. We're walking with Kakashi to the clothing store. Naruto is all pissy at the prospect of wearing clothing, Kakashi told him only while he's at the academy does he have to wear clothing. Naruto was still grouchy but he understood. We got to the clothing store we opened the door to see a young woman with blonde hair. "Oh hello there! It's the secondary crew," then the building was washed in Killing intent, it was being produced by Kakashi-sensei. "What was that?" Naruto managed to calm Kakashi down but said "Be lucky lady, Usually I Don't care about people like you but since we're trying to be good we'll let it slide. But I swear to kami if you try to overcharge us, we'll break this building down. got it?" He spoke in an even cold tone. A tone we weren't used to.  "Now Where were we? ah yes we'd like to look at your clothing stock." Sasuke spoke up. I went to look at the girl clothing. I saw a beautiful blue dress, I Looked at the price. It was on sale for cheap. So i picked five sets of the dress and brought it too the group. "What do you guys think about this?" Naruto and Sasuke both smile and Kakashi says "I Think it'll look great on you." I look to see Naruto buying four black shirts and four pairs of burnt orange pants. Sasuke's buying five pairs of black pants and navy blue shirts. We get up to the counter and the lady charges us fairly. We then head home, We try on the clothing and it fits perfectly. My dress is just the right fit. And I am ready for my first day of The Academy. Naruto knocks on the door and says "want to watch the sunset? me and sasuke are going to the hokage monument." I nod smiling. Naruto says "C'mon! Let's go!" We jumped onto the roofs and ran towards the Hokage Monument, Danzo's head sitting next to Minato's head. We ran up the monument then, sat on the fourth's head. "Hey sakura, want to sit next to me?" Sasuke asked hiding a blush. I inwardly squeal and nod. Naruto says. "I'm going to visit Akane have fun you two." Naruto has been visiting Akane a lot recently, "I wonder if he likes her or something." sasuke asked. "Took the words right out of my mouth Sasuke-kun." Sasuke is so cute when he's watching the sunset, I sit next to him and I lean on his shoulder. I wonder what Naruto's doing I hope that Akane treats Naruto right. We sat like this for maybe two hours, then we headed back home. we feel asleep at peace tonight.

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