Chapter 3: Sasuke POV

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I was always second, in everything. My Father Didn't love me, and my Mother was always paying attention to Itachi, He even stopped noticing me after a certain time. I usually go to the Lake to practice anything i learn, my head is clearer there. I have been taught The C-rank Great Fireball Jutsu, so i practice that every day, After about two Years, i stopped calling my family family, They were just people i shared a house with. then on my sixth birthday I was cast from the clan, Like some old toy. I was infuriated, I had nowhere to go, the village looked at my like I was trash. No insults were ever thrown but I saw the look that was in their eyes. They consider me a disgrace, which is fine to me. I don't care about the Uchiha name. Today though, I'm leaving, I am done with everything. I sneak out the gates and run into A man talking to a boy about my age. if a little older, I noticed certain things  about him, Like he would squeak and write down something on paper. Maybe he couldn't speak? it was interesting, I became enthralled by the boy, so i followed them to this giant tree. I could hear the older male say "Okay Naruto, Let's practice cursive." then i would hear a squeak of excitement. I stayed near this giant tree for hours. then i heard "alright Naruto, i am going to go now, Have fun in the forests." Then A sqeak and I saw the older male leave. Immediately i was tripped and the boy was on top of me. "I didn't mean any harm" I say scared. The boy gets off me and writes. "then why are you following me?" I looked down in shame and said "Because i have no where else to stay, and you seem to be in a similar boat." Naruto i think his name was. Naruto's eyes softened, and he wrote. "okay, I understand where your coming from. Come live with me, I'll teach you the ways of the trees. And soon you could help me." I smile happily and say "really?" Naruto nods and writes. "and i can show you the entire forest. we can become brothers!" I cheer a little and say "i'd love that" He squeaked and motioned for me to follow him. I asked a question that had been bothering me. "How long have you lived here? and why can't you speak?" Naruto sighed and stopped then wrote. "Well since i was little the villagers would abuse me, for no reason that I know of. and as such i moved out here when I was four. I am now seven. I've lived in the trees and my voice lost it usage, because I spoke to animals instead of humans." I nod and say "that makes sense. Have you ever thought of having someone translate?" Naruto looked dumbfounded and sighed "dammit" he wrote. I chuckle and say "let me be your translator, And still keep the other guy for your writing classes." Naruto looked at me and smiled then nodded. we continued walking towards wherever Naruto was leading me, we walked for a while then we stopped at Hot springs, I saw Naruto took what was left of his clothes off, and sat in the water. I followed suit shortly after. We sat like that for what felt like hours. My body clear of any smells of my once home. We got out and we started heading back after putting our clothes on. Then we headed back to the tree. It's insides were nice, large enough to fit five people. I soon felt my eyes drooping. Naruto squeaked a yawn and we both fell asleep together, using each other as warmth.

I woke up to see A fish on a leaf in front of me, with a note saying, "Eat Up" I took the fish and realized it was cut up, I took a bite and was amazed. It tasted delicious. This was the best fish I'd ever had, it even rivaled a Tomato from the garden, I had wondered if there were any tomatoes in the forests, and I wondered if there were Natural growing tomatoes. and if they tasted better. I slowly got out of the tree, When i was met with Naruto messing with sticks, "What are you doing Naruto?" he squeaked and wrote. "fire" I nod and say, "here let me help." we managed to get a small fire together and i roasted a piece of fish. realizing it tasted better raw, I asked Naruto,  "why the fire?" Naruto squeaked and wrote. "Well, it's starting to get colder again, so I wanted a warm spot within the trees so we don't have to rely on each other for warmth, in case your uncomfortable with it." I smile and say "never, remember, we're brothers." he smiles warmly at me, and we sit by the fire. He squeaks a few times and writes. "I am going to teach you how to understand me." I nod and we start. By the end of the day, I have a slight understanding of Naruto's squeaks.

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