Chapter 4: Sakura POV

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I'm alone again tonight, I had to cook dinner for myself again. I wonder why my parents don't care about me. I've tried talking to them multiple times, but they either don't care or speak with disgust. I feel so alone, so today I am leaving I am going to go to a different village. I don't want to stay in konoha.

When I reach the gates I am met with two boys. they have clothes made from leaves and vines on and are running through the trees, the blonde notices me first and the two boys come over to me, the raven is really cute. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" the Raven asks. "I am leaving Konoha, My parents don't love me nor do they care." The raven and The Blonde look at each other and nod. "Come live with us, we live in the forests around Konoha, You can train with us and be part of our family." I look at them and say "really?" the two nod and gesture for me to follow them. I manage to keep up with them on the ground while their in the trees. We reach a massive tree and go inside. It's a massive tree on the inside, easily able to fit five people. The Raven says "let me introduce us." I look at him and say "there are two of you, Doesn't he speak?" I point at the blonde. "He has lived in the forests for 4 years and has lost the ability to speak. so I translate for him." I nod in understanding. "anyways, I am Sasuke, and this is Naruto, We're still thinking of a last name for our little family." I nod and say "well I am Sakura, I am 7 and I love flowers. Naruto squeaks and Sasuke says "Flowers you say? Naruto also loves flowers, but of course we all love nature right?" I nod and say "yeah I really enjoy being in nature, it makes me feel like I belong." Sasuke says "we're a lot alike you know, Naruto here is hated by the entire village. I was cast out from my clan making every villager view me as a disgrace." I look down and say "the villagers treat me like trash too. because my mother is on the civilian council, and has tried to get me out of her life for as long as I can remember." Naruto nods and Sasuke says "Well don't worry you're in the right place. You see Naruto and I both Hate the civilian council. so your in the right place. Although are you will to be seen naked in front of two boys and vice versa?" I nod and say "that's okay because it's natural to not wear clothes. But I think it's cool that you guys use clothes made from your surroundings." Naruto smiles and Sasuke says "That's Naruto's work, he's been here the longest and can let me tell you everything you need to know about the forests." Naruto nods proudly. Sasuke elbows him jokingly. "Don't get cocky on me." the two snicker and I join in.

It's been about two months and I now understand Naruto's squeaks, Which took a little bit of time, but I figured it out. We've turned into a pack, we're closer than most families are. We always have each others backs. I met the Umino-Hatake Family, and we visit them regularly. My and Father come to the forests looking for me, But I don't care about them anymore. My mother talked to me once and said "As a young woman you shouldn't be doing what your doing." I had cut my hair shorter. Because it kept getting in the way. Naruto Helped me train my endurance and speed. I can now keep up with the other two easily. today is special, Today is October 10th. We're heading to the Umino-Hatake House for dinner and hanging out with Asuma, Kurenai, Gai, and Anko.

We arrive at the house and enter, Taking off our shoes and saying "we're here" I hear Iruka say "come in guys food's almost ready!" Naruto says to us, Let' give him the ingredients from the forest we gathered." We nod and grab our packs. We sit down at the table and I say "Iruka-san, We brought more ingredients!" Iruka turned around to see Three massive Salmon Filets, Four small pouches full of rice, Three bunches of tomatoes, and some Berries. "thanks guys! you know I am always thankful of you guys and you guys bringing ingredients!" we nod and cheer. Then there's a knock at the door. Kakashi opens the door and his tone changes from happy to mad. "what do you want Mebuki." I growl and Sasuke and Naruto step in front of me. and Sasuke puts his hand on my shoulder along with Naruto. we're family, so we've got each other's Backs. I hear my mother say "please let me inside, I just want to talk to my daughter." I mutter "so when I leave you suddenly care" Kakashi says "Naruto Sasuke Sakura, please come here." Mebuki says, "I just need to speak to Sakura," Kakashi says "and their my family and I don't trust you." Mebuki scoffs and says "I don't care let me speak to my daughter alone." Instantly I say, "my mother knows a few sealers in konoha, she's trying to put a seal on me." Kakashi hears that and says "get out." Mebuki runs at me to put the seal on but is leg swept by Naruto then drop kicked by Sasuke. Mebuki drops the seal and I pick it up, Then I say "you want the seal?" Mebuki looks up at me and smirks. "Have it" I slap it on her while doing so she screams. "NO!!" then I say "Go back to not caring. Mebuki said "and who are you again?" I say "I'm nobody, please leave." Mebuki gets up and leaves. Naruto give me a hug, as I start to cry. Kakashi Iruka and Sasuke Join the hug too, Naruto says "It's over now. you won't have to deal with her now." I nod and smile "thanks guys." Iruka goes back to cooking Kakashi goes back to talking with his friends and Me, Naruto, and Sasuke, sit at the kitchen table talking. Soon dinner arrives and we eat heavenly ramen, and some dango for desert. when the sun starts to set Kakashi and his friends are super slap happy. and Iruka says "alright I'll take you three home." we nod and we say goodbye to Kakashi and his friends. "bye you guys" we say but Naruto just squeaks. We make it to the gate and say hello to Izumo and Kotetsu. they wave at us and then switch out to the two night guards. we make it back to the tree and sleep together. using each other as warmth.

The next day i wake up to fish and a note saying. "Me and Naruto are going to spar, come meet us after eating up, we're doing some training today." I cheer silently and Eat up, then Find the two practicing their taijutsu, which is very different from any other style out there. relying on moves that are unknown to most. but against itself. it always ends in a tie. Naruto and Sasuke stop sparring when they see me. Naruto says "hey sakura!" and sasuke says "Hey Sakura-chan" Naruto smirks and says "ooh there's a chan at the end, someone's in love." Sasuke gains a blush and ask. "so what if i am? she's pretty." I blush and say "you think i'm pretty?" Sasuke says "of course i do, Your hair is amazing, And You just look awesome." Naruto says "alright, let's get back to training. Today, we're gonna try unlocking our chakra." we nod and we all it in lotus position and try to find our chakra. I start to feel mine immediately. I start to pull and it fills me up. I feel the wind around me change to going out. my chakra feels warm and nice. I Open my eyes to see Sasuke has a massive blue aura around him, I also notice one around myself and Naruto too. the only difference, is Naruto's chakra is purple. something is up with that purple chakra. maybe it's really dense. We all get up and see That Kakashi and Iruka are the first to appear at our location, then a squad of Konoha anbu and Hiruzen arrive. Iruka says "what happened?" I say "we were unlocking our chakra, Iruka-san." Iruka sighs and says. "okay, looks like we're clear Hokage-sama," then Naruto says "Wait, there are other ninja here. and as if on cue, four rogue ninja appear, the ninja fight with our anbu and are captured almost immediately proving they were d-rank and C-rank ninja. Kakashi knocking out most of them with ease, We watch with fear as the ninja appeared and  began to feel safer as the rogue ninja were dealt with. then we Kakashi said "hokage-sama, can you take me off teams for a bit?" Hiruzen said "of course Kakashi Are you going to training these three?" Kakashi nods and says "Yes Hokage-sama." Hiruzen says "Alright take these rogue ninja to konoha prison. then we'll let these fine young shinobi in training, train." we watch as everyone but Iruka and Kakashi leave. then an anbu with a blank mask appears and says. "lord danzo would like to speak to you four." he points at us and Kakashi, Iruka says, "be safe you guys." we then are teleported in front of a man with a cane. he says "hello you three, How are you guys doing." Naruto smiles and waves but me and sasuke are on guard, then we hear Naruto say "he's safe you guys," we look at naruto and nod. Naruto squeaks at Danzo and bows. with us doing the same. Naruto says to me "say your name and say you can understand me." I say "hello, I am Sakura, and I am the second translator of Naruto." Sasuke said "Hello sir, I am Sasuke and I am the first Translator of Naruto." Naruto bows along with us two. Danzo smiles at us and said "Well that's a way of doing it. Thank you for coming here, i just want to say, you are allowed to come here to train, I just want to have one or two of my highest ranking soldiers learn the taijutsu style you use. Naruto Says "tell him one person can learn the style, but it'll be difficult to learn." I say "Naruto says, one person can learn the style, but that it'll be Difficult to learn." Danzo smirks and says "thank you Naruto i'll put the style to good use." Naruto nods and they shake hands. I watch with incredible interest along with Sasuke as Naruto writes down the style then hands said style to Danzo before saying to us, "Make sure to tell him to burn that style once one person has learnt it." I say "Lord Danzo, Naruto has asked us to tell you to burn that style once on person has learnt it." Danzo says "I will do so I promise." Naruto bows and we are teleported back to the forest. then we are given a scroll that can teleport us limitlessly to any of the ROOT training grounds. Kakashi says "alright! let's start with something easy." he takes a leaf or two off the tree and says. "Okay, so here's what I want you guys to do, I want you to focus your chakra to a single point on your body. then see if you can stick a leaf to that spot." We nod and take a leaf each. then we practice said Tactic into the evening. Kakashi said "alright Go ahead and and stop. then we'll continue tomorrow, come here at 7:30 in the morning." We nod and leave to the tree. Naruto says to us. "are you guys ready to train?" We nod and sleep the evening away after eating a slice of fish each. as we had caught a fish earlier in the day.

Me and Sasuke woke up to fish and a note saying "eat up, and meet me at the spot we trained yesterday. We ate then met up with Naruto, our internal clocks waking us up at sunrise. I say "hey Naruto why are we here so early?" He says "We should start training before Kakashi-sensei arrives." I nod at the logic and follow naruto in training. soon Sasuke joins us and we are training to get the leaf to stick. I manage to get the leaf to stick for a few seconds before, it falls off. the same thing happens for Naruto and Sasuke soon after. We cheer and then Kakashi arrives. "Hey Kakashi-sensei we say in unison. He waves and says "alright you three, how's the training coming?" I say "we managed to get the leaf to stick for a few seconds!" Naruto and Sasuke both nod. Kakashi eye-smiles. and says "Good, Now try to get it to stick for 30 seconds, That is your goal by tomorrow, I have some important stuff i have to deal with. If you finish your goal we'll have ramen at my house!" We nod and cheer together. This is what I wanted in a family. People who care, and I found it. I finally found me home

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