Chapter 5: Friday

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Anita's POV

After making sure the program worker right, I was about to play some matches on League. But then I got an email from Sha. I opened it up, it made me a bit irritated. It's twelve o'clock in the morning. The email was nothing but loads and loads of information. There were files after files of stuff. Quickly I sent an email back to him, asking if it is right to send information through email like that. Because this could be easily tracked, and anyways how did he get this much info on this. A couple minutes later he emailed me back telling me that he will tell me later, and that I needed to look at the files. I followed his order and looked at some first files in the email. And mostly the files were about an Asian corporation. The corporation was named Biologistics. As I looked more through the files, I saw many database files on transportation of an unnamed resource from all over the world. This made no sense to me, why would Sha be interested in some corporation. I emailed him back asking what he wanted from me, and he replied back saying that their activity in transporting this unnamed resource was suspicious. I hated when Sha would say something is suspicious, but never give clear clues. I emailed him back asking what he wanted from me, again. He didn't reply for a long time, I was going to call it quits on him. But then my computer turned blank, and I heard a voice through my headphones, which were attacked to the computer. I started freaking out because it wasn't me who did this.

"Hyndra, can you hear me?" the voice said. It wasn't a natural voice, it was covered up, it almost didn't sound like a real voice.

"Uhhhhhh, Sha?" I realized that the only person, who would be interested in even doing this would be Sha.

"Yes, sorry for the voice cover up, I sound like a freaking demon. But I think this way it will be easier for me to explain to you about Biologistics" Sha said.

I replied back, "Why can't you just email. This is different for me."

"Well emailing you the explanation would be difficult because I can't really explain this in words. Aren't you happy, I don't have to make those long emails anymore." I wasn't bothered by the long emails, I was more concerned that him talking to me like that would make it much more easier for someone to find out about me hacking. I really didn't feel like getting my door knocked down by the FBI squad.

"Yeah, I guess" was all I said.

"Ok, so this corporation is very suspicious because normally by law it would be required to name the things being transported, but here they are getting by with out the authorities noticing. Second, this unnamed resource is being transported from a named location, but it isn't stated where it is dropped off. Thirdly, many of our Moon Droplet hackers are reporting a great exchange of the T.W. project serum between countries. Many of those exchanges are illegal because they are transporting illegal serums, which by standards are unstable. So, I am assuming that this corporation has some ties to this illegal serum transportation." I almost spaced out because he was talking so much, then I realized that he was waiting for my response.

"Okay, and so what do you want to do about it? I feel like everything you think about this corporation is just a conspiracy because what if all this is just some misunderstanding. And so, what if we hack this corporation, and we find nothing. It would be just a waste of time." We have never hacked a big corporation before, and me being extremely lazy. I didn't feel like hacking this Biologistics and getting nothing out of it.

"I see, you're being lazy" Sha said in a flat voice, "Fine, I'll get someone to do all the information collecting; I just thought maybe you were ready to hack something on your own." He said the words that really brought my attention.

"On my own?" I said plainly, trying to sound calm. I really wanted to do a mission on my own because Sha would always send me on hacking trips with other people. And all I would do is cover them up. If Sha was letting me to do this, then he considered that I was good enough to do it on my own. Then if I started to do missions on my own, I would be considered a upper-class hacker among the Moon Droplets.

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