Chapter 19

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On Saturday the next day, Nicole called me.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out today? I need to tell you something."

"Sure! What time?"

"Like, right now."


"Ya. I'm actually in your drive way right now."

I looked out the window. Sure enough, Nicole had just pulled into my driveway.

I threw a decent looking outfit on and ran downstairs.

"Hey, babygirl" I said as I got in the cat.

"Hey, harmony."

"What did you want to tell me?"

"I feel really bad saying this but I think we're better off as friends. Best friends. Idk it just feels really weird."

"Actually, I feel the same way."

"You do?"

"Yeah." I said. "You always felt like a friend to me. I guess I only dated you cause I was heartbroken."

That sounded kind of petty.

"I only dated you because I felt sorry for you! Sorry if that sounds petty."

I just kind of laughed. I know I'd do the same thing, and who was I to talk? I wasted a relationship with her cause I was lonely!

"It's fine. I'm glad we feel the same way."

It was great, me and her talking about our feelings. At least we agreed, and most importantly, AT LEAST SHE DIDN'T DUMP ME OVER TEXT! She was the best friend I could have. I'm so glad I have her.

But then another thought went in my head.

"Ah shit I'm single again, aren't I?"

She put her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah but who cares? You don't need to be in a relationship to be cool!"

"I just don't want to be single forever. Like my uncle Peter."

"THATS what you're worried about? Who cares if you're single. We can be single together!"

I forced myself to smile. She was so easygoing and kind. How could I argue with her?


I think it's about time I tell you a little more about Violet. I talked about her a little bit in chapter 7.

I met Violet on Halloween when we were 9. She lived down the street form me.

She was always really creative. She would make me handwritten letters and spray them with vinegar to make them look old and faded. Every year for my birthday and Christmas she would make me handmade gifts.

We got along great at first, but I was your typical 9 year old brat and she didn't like that so two years ago, she completely cut me off. All while her best friend was there.

Now, I know what I did wrong. But, she is also in the wrong.

Especially now, when I thought we were cool, but she decides to make excuses as to why we can't hang out.

And I know they're excuses because I'll see her out my window with her friends that I don't know RIGHT after she said she was busy cleaning.

Nicole told me to stop talking to her, but all I want are friends. She's really nice, and cool, and has a cool friend group, so why should I stop being her friend?

Sure, we haven't actually hung out since last year (that's how long she's been doing this.)

But I'm sure one day we'll get to. And maybe I'll meet her friend group and they'll become my friend group too.

Then I can have a whole bunch of friends in the neighborhood and finally be happy and never have to sit at home bored again!

I texted Violet.


"Can't talk, I'm with my friends right now."

"Oh ok. Just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime today?"

"Can't. I'm going to target and then I have a lot of cleaning to do."

I put my phone down. Cleaning? She'd rather clean than hang out with me?

And I know damn well she ain't cleaning anyway because she's going to target with her friends that I don't know.

I started tearing up again. Why do I have to cry about everything? Why can't I just be a skinny, pretty popular girl with a hot boyfriend and a cool friend group that's genuinely nice to hang out with?

Why do I have to be some broken hearted rat with no social life?

And what really bugs me is that Violet was able to find all these friends to replace me, while I was stuck here the last two years laying in my bed alone binge watching stranger things and eating Pringles nonstop.

Also, I should probably mention something even worse.

She's friends with Jake.

And it was my stupid ass that introduced them to each other.

I'm such an idiot! I should've learned when I introduced her to Caitlyn!!


When I woke up in the morning, the sun wasn't shining. The clock said 7:20. Weird. I got out of bed and got dressed and went to the bus stop.

When I got on the bus, I saw a huge shadow go in front of me. I then noticed it was Jake! Why was he here?!

He kept getting closer, and closer, until he pounced on me and covered my mouth.

"Mwahahahahaha" he cackled.

I screamed and tried to wriggle free of his grasp, but it was no use. I kept screaming and screaming and screaming, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.


Suddenly, I woke up. That was a dream? Nevermind that. Jake was standing in front of me, with a big cast on his leg.

"What are you doing here? I thought you got hit by a car!"

"What? No I didn't? I broke my leg in football. Hurt like hell. But I'm back."

"So you didn't die when you left me at the hospital?"

"Hospital? What are you talking about??"

"When you tried to kill me! Jake, stop playing dumb!"

"Harmony, you have officially lost your mind." He turned to Sofia. "What is she talking about?"

"She started some lame rumor bout you bro. Guess she wanted revenge or something."

He glared at me.

"No I didn't! I- I guess it was a dream! It just felt so real though, I'm really sorry I-"

All of a sudden, he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"I believe you."

He went and sat down, while I just stared.

Ah shit. I felt those butterflies in my stomach again. My head was aching. I better not be falling in love with that bitch again. I'm so stupid!!

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