Chapter 5

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About two weeks ago, Jake friended me on Roblox. Now we play together every day. I built a house for me and him on bloxburg to live in when we're married. He built a nuclear bomb out of TNT. I love him so much.

When I laid in bed last night, I noticed a text from Jake. It said:

"Hey, Harmony. I had something I wanted to ask you."

I played with the pop-it on my nightstand.

"Sure, Jake. What's up?"

"Do you like me?"

I dropped the pop-it. How the hell did he know?

"Uhhh who told you?"

"Roxy did. I thought I'd ask."

"Uhh no sorry you're not my type."

"Oh, ok. Good."

I felt relieved, but my heart sort of sank when he said "good". Why was that good?

"You know, I did have a crush on you back in middle school. Like a huge crush."

Oh wow! Really? I thought he just was really nice to me back then but he actually liked me? Too bad he doesn't like me anymore.

"Same haha but I grew out of it."

"Same lmao"

I sat there looking at my screen, hoping he would keep talking. It took him a minute, but he finally did.

"It's a shame we don't like each other, you know. Not in that way, I mean."

I was confused. What did he mean by that?


"I mean, you're hot, I'm hot, we'd make a great couple."

Couple? He thought we'd make a great couple?


"Look, Harmony. I understand if this sounds weird, but I can't keep this to myself. I like you. A lot. And, I understand if you don't feel the same way. Just thought I'd put that out there."

I sat there staring at my screen with my mouth wide open. O.m.g. He actually liked me!!! Was this really happening? I got so many butterflies in my stomach. I wanted to tell him everything I thought about him. But then a new thought popped in my head, and I wanted to clear it up first.

"Is this a prank?"

"No? Why would it be a prank?"

"I don't know, I just feel like you're way too awesome to like me. I'm kinda lame."

"Harmony, you're the most beautiful amazing girl I know. You are not lame. And it's not a prank."

"Oh my gosh. I'm gonna cry."


"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!"

"Don't mess up your beautiful eyes."




I bit my fingernails. What now? As if he had read my mind, he typed,

"What now?"

"Idk, are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

"I guess so."

"Wow! I've always wanted you to be my boyfriend"

"Me too, Harmony."

"You have no idea."

I thought for a second.

"Oh, by the way, who told you I liked you?"


"Knew it."

"Well I better get to sleep. See you tomorrow, cutie pie"

How sweet

"Wait, I can call you that, right?"

"Of course. I love it."

"Oh ok then, night cutie pie"

"Night Jakey."

I laid in bed, but I couldn't sleep. Did that really just happen? My life was so perfect! I couldn't wait for all the adventures and fun we would have! Who knows, maybe I'll even have my first kiss!

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