Chapter 20

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After school, I sat down at my desk to paint. I was working on this really cute flower painting with green glitter.

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed. It was Violet.

"Hey, harmony. Jake wants to add you on snap."

"Fr? Why?"

"Idk. Just add him back pls."


I opened snapchat, and sure enough Jake had sent me a friend request.

I hesitantly accepted it.

"Hey, harmony."

"Oh, hi Jake."

"I've been thinking and, I'm starting to miss you."


"Yeah. I miss kissing you. Not the relationship though."

What the hell? I didn't know what to think. Part of me knew what he was saying was wrong, but another part of me genuinely missed it too. I hated being single, and I'd do anything to kiss him again.

"Actually, same." I said.

"You looked really sexy at school today ;)"

I sure did. I wore my absolutely stunning blue crop top and mini skirt that showed off my curves.

"Thanks bb"

"Of course I'd like it better if it was off ;)"

"I'm sure you would ;))"

"Should we have phone sex? I'm really bored."

"I don't think it's a good idea. I heard getting with your ex isn't healthy."

"It's not like we're getting back together or anything. We're just filling in that empty space. I miss the physical feeling of being in a relationship, even though I don't have any romantic feelings towards you anymore."

That kind of sounded wrong, but I missed it too. So much!! So I said,

"Okay. Let's do it bb ;)"

We texted in the phone for hours until I checked my bedside clock. It was 2:24 A.M.

"I should really get to bed," I said.

"Okay. Night bbg."


I laid in bed, but I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was what happened last night. And what was going to happen if we kept doing this.

God, I really didn't want to catch feelings again, but it was so hard!

I wish I could just go back to when life was simple and I didn't have all these problems and confusions to deal with.

But I can't. And nobody understands. So I guess I'm on my own. All I have is me, myself, and I.

And maybe that's a good thing.

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