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Swan-like gestures.

Literal perfection.

The frequency of compulsion.

The frequency of desire.





My body rotated on the silver lining of my life, and with each turn of my vessel around the pole came its descent in a graceful manner, which had my own essence becoming hypnotized to fall into a trance that aligned with a frequency. A frequency that could capture one's mind as my legs divided to hold the formation of a split.

A split that assisted with my fall as I released myself onto the ground for a seemingly effortless pose and landing.

"That right there is gon make you your rent money in one night," Alessia commented in a playful manner that had a smile slipping onto my face.

"H—" I began, but before I could finish releasing my response it was dramatically pushed to the side by the voice of Mr Clive—as he would wish we call him—but instead, we simply referred to him as mean ass Sebastian because he had yet to earn the title of respect from any of us.

"What he want?" Alessia spoke with an eye roll as she leaned off the stage to turn in the direction of his approaching vessel, while I simultaneously pulled myself from off the floor in a manner that made it evident that it wasn't my first time having to drag myself from the ground, without a hand of help being offered.

"I need you all gathered around for this," He announced, and I sighed as I moved down the stairs that were located at the front of the stage, making my way towards the spot before him, where the other girls had begun gathering to make a small crowd along with Alessia. "Good,"

"We ain't got all day," One of the girls spoke in a frustrated and annoyed manner as the man's ego stood there soaking up the fact that for the first time in two years we all complied with little to no hesitance, and even though I didn't see the face of the voice, the sound of it already had me knowing that it came from Latoya.

"Relax, I just got an announcement to make then y'all can keep doing what you was doing with the practicing," He expressed while placing his right palm flat against his tucked-in white shirt. "After making the owner aware of the need for more security, she has sent a few extra hands to help out around here, I just wanna make sure y'all familiar with the new additions,"

"Where they at?" Latoya asked after his announcement since we all knew that it was long overdue. We had been requesting for him to ask for some more security for over a month now since he had fired the last ones, but because of his love for money, he kept his lips sealed with the glue of greed until the lack of security started to affect his own pockets.

He opened his mouth to respond to Latoya's question, but the words ceased their act of exiting as he instead turned his head to the entrance, where the sound of chatter had begun to accumulate. Soon the sight of two figures became present and he immediately motioned for them to come to him with a wave of his hand.

"You only asked for two?" Another one of the girls who tended bar, Brandy, asked. "We needed at least four to add to the four already here,"

"This is all the owner could offer," He lied as the new additions to security settled beside him. We all knew that he only asked for two since the manager before him would ask the owner for a lot more than he did and get it with ease. "This is Jerome,"

His hand signaled over to the muscular melanated man standing to the far end on his right side.

"And Keys," He finished with another signal of his hand to the woman closest to him, who held slightly less muscle mass than Jerome, but they both was more built than all the security we had here already.

At least they look qualified, cause he already got this whole protection thing weak as hell roun here because he wanna be cheap and hire underqualified people.

"Keys and Jerome are going to be alternating between the private rooms, while Ethan is going to be working with Dwayne," He said in reference to one of the older additions to the team, who was practically an annoying older brother to us girls at this point. "And Dantae and Tiny are going be working at the entrances,"

"And the other two you gon have to get in a month or so can work at the bar and by the stage," Latoya called after him as he turned to walk away, earning laughs from us while I moved over to my bag that was only a few steps away. "I'm sick of his ass,"

Her words had me releasing a snicker since she was never one to hold her tongue when it came to him, and being that she was one of the best, which in return meant that she brought in a lot of money he never reprimanded her.

Latoya and I had the most years in this club, but I still saw her as my OG even though we both started at eighteen—at the same time for different reasons. Her relationship with the pole was built on the foundation of having to take care of her daughter, who she had with some dude that made her take a charge for him and spend time in prison.

After doing that time, she came right back to the pole since he was a worse father than he was boyfriend.

"Compulsion," Latoya called out, and I hummed while glancing to my right to see her approaching me. "Imma need you to make me sumn,"

"Two outfits in one week?" I asked not hiding my surprise as I pulled my small black towel from my bag to wipe my sweaty face.

"And that's my business," She stated with a subtle smile as she placed her phone in front of me, allowing me to see the picture of the outfit she wanted me to make for her. "This but in red,"

I guided her phone into my hand as I looked down at the picture, taking in every inch of it and allowing my mind to figure out the process, material, and the time it would take. I still had five other pieces to make for other girls for this week alone.

"You paying for fabric?" I asked her since I knew she liked to pay using the worth of our friendship.

"You making me sound cheap,"

"You is," I confirmed with a laugh that prompted one from her as well, as she gently slapped my shoulder before grabbing her phone back from my grasp.

"You gonna be able to make it or not?"

"As soon as you get the fabric, I'll start," I promised her, knowing I would probably have to move some things around to get everything done in time. "When exactly do you need it by?"

"Saturday," She answered while pushing her phone between her breasts as I lifted my hand with my towel to wipe the sweat from my neck.

"Who you gon be seeing Saturday?" I asked with a knowing smile that had a grin she was trying to push away stretching her face.

"Mind your business—you know what, make my shit and I'll tell you,"

"Buy the fabric,"

"All our years of friendship—"

"Buy the fabric," I interjected, already knowing the entire speech that was about to leave her mouth, and she sighed in a dramatic manner like the big ass kid she was.

"I'll get your lil fabric since you wanna be cheap," She threw, making me laugh as she turned to walk away.

This girl.

"Imma see y'all tomorrow," I announced with a smile remaining on my face as I threw my towel back in my duffle.

"You leaving already?" Alessia asked as I returned the few things I had taken out of the bag with a slight turn of my head to look back at her.

"Yeah, I got y'alls stuff to take care of for this week," I confessed, quickly zipping the duffle closed.

"Aitte girl we'll see you tomorrow night," Latoya voiced as I lifted my bag before sending them a slight wave with the lift of my hand over my head while walking out.

This gon be a long week.

The Frequency Of Compulsion/GXG/ Grip The Series: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now