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The numerous sounds of the women praticing echoed around the main floor of the club, where I stood wiping down the tables for tonight with Dwayne, who was a few feet away. He was one of the more seasoned security guards here, we didn't really exchange words outside of the work talk, but we had a good enough relationship to work smoothly with each other.

That was good for me since he and Jerome switched sometimes throughout the night to change their scenery to keep themselves awake. I on the other hand remained where I was at all times, I preferred to guard the rooms, it was what I held the most experience in and where I held the most patience. If I spent a night at the entrance, my shift would start as soon as it ended with all the dumb shit that goes on roun that side of the job.

Guarding the rooms were also a precaution for me, or more like preferred habit picked up from the shit I done seen. At the first two clubs I worked at before this, a lot of shady ass and fucked up shit went down. Some of the security working the rooms would let a lot of shit slide, especially when it came to their friends being in them rooms with a woman. I picked up early on that, who watched these rooms made a big difference, and I ain't know the security in this club like that to not be paranoid bout the shit.

The knowledge of what could go on also came with a sense of anxiousness, especially since I was close to all the girls at the first clubs I worked at, and even tho the girls here were strangers...I still felt the same.

"Keys," I heard Dwayne call out, and I looked over to him as I wrung my rag free of water over the small bucket on the table. "Open up them windows by the entrance for me before these girls start complaining about the smell of this shit,"

"Aitte," I voiced, picking up on his motion to the smell of the cleaning products, as I released the rag back into the water while moving off to do as asked.

As I got to the windows, I immediately flipped the locks before grabbing the bottom and pulling upwards, but after two failed attempts I was left wondering if I lost strength in the few days I ain't been at the gym.

"Did I unlock it or lock it?" I murmured to myself with a frown as I flipped the lock to its original position and tried again, only to be met with more resistance. "It's locked now, so I had it right the first time,"

I sighed as I flipped the lock once more to unlock the window once again before making another attempt, only to be met with the same bullshit.

"You push back and then pull," I heard a raspy voice call out, and I followed it to see an older man approaching me with a mop and bucket in hand.

"What you mean push it back sir?"

"Press against the glass a little, not too hard cause you don't wanna break it," He guided, and I placed his words into actions immediately. "Now pull it up with your other hand,"

I did as told and the window flew up quickly, inviting in fresh air in.

"Now do the same thing for the other side,"

"Thank you," I affirmed, feeling grateful for his help as I moved over to the other window and he hummed.

"They shoulda told you that these windows got a lil problem before sending you over here," He voiced with a frown that I caught before directing my full attention to the window and opening it as well.

"I was starting to think I was getting weak out here," I stated, and he chuckled as he placed the bucket down with the mop inside, leaning the stick of the mop against the wall to keep it standing.

"I remember the days I was built like you,"

"Yeah?" I voiced with a chuckle.

"You one of the new security roun here?"

The Frequency Of Compulsion/GXG/ Grip The Series: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now