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"Things here be more relaxed," Jerome pointed out, continuing our ongoing conversation as I drank the last of the water in the plastic bottle. "If we was down south heavy shit would've been popping off every night,"

"Yeah," I agreed, knowingly. "I was talking to basically the handyman, Mr Gerald, and he was saying the don round these parts built different,"

"Yeah, uhm, Loyal was telling me the same thing, the don real old school like,"

"That's good," I uttered with a feeling of sadness engulfing me since I knew the don down south was the opposite...and that was the problem.

"Loyal told me he hooked you up with a gym,"

"Yeah he did, I ain't had the time to really go by there tho,"

"I ain't never seen you not have time for the gym," He pointed out with a laugh that earned a small one from me as well.

"I was trying to sort out this whole furniture thing before I started working out like that," I replied while getting up to throw away my now empty bottled water and its corc. "They getting in this evening, so Imma be in the gym early tomorrow or prolly tonight,"

"Me and Loyal been linking on early morning sessions if you wanna join in,"

"Gotta be the weekend," I told him, knowing I needed that alone time in the gym for the first few sessions, and he nodded, understanding my why without me even uttering a word.

"You need help setting up your furniture?" He questioned, tilting his beer bottle on the table with a look inside of it as I released my own bottle into the trash can before me.

"Nah, I'm good man, I'm juss gon roll up and run through them," I assured, turning to return to my seat. "I don't got no shift tonight so Imma be good,"

"Well call me if you need me, cause I'm off tonight too," He voiced, lifting his beer to take a sip, and his confession had Mr Gerald's words playing back in my head about the entire security standing round here.

"I—" My statement was cut short by the sharp sound of approaching footsteps, which I immediately followed to see Compulsion entering the room looking like somebody done pissed her off, but she was always looking like a version of that on a daily.

"Good afternoon," She greeted us as I took a seat.

"Good afternoon," Jerome and I both replied in unison while I discreetly ran my eyes over her as she gazed at the counter with a frown.

"Waters finished?" She asked with a turn of her body in our direction.

"Nah, they over here," I responded while reaching under the table to remove one from the case that was situated to the left of my feet. "One?"

"Two," She requested and I quickly grabbed another before outstretching them towards her.


"Thanks Keys," She stated as she took them into her hold.

"Yeah," I replied while she turned to leave.

My orbs returned to Jerome the second the sound of the door closing had echoed, and the act had me meeting his already waiting questioning gaze.

"Y'all cool?" He asked before lifting his beer to take another sip.

"We exchanged a few words a couple of times, why?"

"She said Keys like it's regular shit that's why I asked," He replied with a chuckle.

"She cool,"



The afternoon sun sprinkled its rays onto my body, and the feeling had me swimming in the waters of serenity while my hand continued its circular motion, as I pulled the soapy cloth to the front of my car.

The feeling of the sun was one I always appreciated since it never failed to leave me with a sense of peace while also reacquainting my body with memories of my childhood.

A childhood that consisted of afternoons playing in the backyard with my sister and—




The sound of my phone ringing had me leaving the soapy cloth against the hood of my car, and quickly drying my hands in the black sweats I wore so I could remove the device.


The sight of his name displayed on the screen had me sliding my thumb to answer, before resting the device against my ear.

"Leana," He greeted me and I responded with a small hum. "You tryna slide through to Mr Gerald's barbeque coming up?"

"No, I'm not," I answered as I lifted my free hand to take a hold of the cloth so I could continue my cleaning sequence.

"Why not?" He asked with familiar noises whispering in the background that made me aware of the fact that he was at the club.

"Because I'm gon be tired, I already told Mr Gerald that," I answered truthfully as I bent my body slightly to push the rag further across the hood of the car.

"Your old ass never be trying to do nothing," He joked, and I released a small laugh as the sound of an approaching vehicle echoed near me, which had my gaze shifting to the right to find the source.

"That's because you be doing too much," I stated as I quickly read the words displayed on the side of the truck.


"Somebody moving in," I announced as the truck ceased all movements.


"In the house in front of mine," I expressed as I watched a woman exit the truck from the driver's side.

"That shit got sold already?" He voiced with surprise in his tone. "Who is it?"

"A woman," I voiced as I continued to discreetly look while washing my car.

"She look good?"

She does

"Why you playing on my phone?" I asked as I took her in.

"Your gay ass should know,"

"Get off my phone Wayne," I voiced with a smile before ending the call.


Peace And Blessings Kinfolk,
Thanks for reading.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

The Frequency Of Compulsion/GXG/ Grip The Series: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now