𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝗀𝖾𝗏𝗂𝖾

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  Something about Aemonds voice had always soothed Rhaella

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Something about Aemonds voice had always soothed Rhaella. The way his chest would vibrate as he spoke softly in the darkness of her chambers while he read the history of Aegon the Conqueror. The only light in the room was the candles scattered in various places around them. Her finger lightly traced patterns onto the bare skin of his chest that had been exposed from the loose laces of his tunic.

Having heard the story many times before she found herself entranced watching him, tilting her head up to gaze upon her betrothed. He was effortlessly beautiful, even more so when he did not have the patch covering his scarred eye when he was in the safety of her chambers.

Removing her hand from under his tunic she brought her hand up, his words trailed off when he saw Rhaella move out of the corner of his eye. She turned her body so she could rest her chin on his chest while still being able to see his face. Aemonds couldn't help but watch the young princess with a curious gaze.

He didn't flinch as he had used to when her fingers made contact with his scar, the softness of her touch made him nearly melt into her every time. It was the way there was nothing but pure love and devotion in her eyes, it wasn't fear.

  "Gevie." She whispered as she lightly trailed her index finger across the sapphire that sat in the place his eye should have been. (beautiful)

Aemonds lips had quirked in the slightest at her words, his hand trailing up to her face where his thumb traced her bottom lip. Rhaella pressed her lips to the top of his thumb before he slowly tugged her lip down eventually allowing it to pop back into place. Their eyes stayed locked until Rhaella leaned forward to capture his lips with hers.

The softness of his lips against her own made her sigh into him. His hand rested at the nape of her neck, holding her so tight as if he was fearing that she would disappear.

Nudging her chin up he moved his lips against hers, gripping her side her rolled the girl onto her back. Rhaella couldn't help the gasp that left her at the suddenness, the prince taking the advantage to slip his tongue into her mouth. She ran her hands through the silver strands of hair, pulling the tie holding the rest back on her way allowing the hair to cascade down.

Aemond nudged her chin with his nose once he pulled away from her swollen lips. Her chest heaved, a shiver running down her spine when he lowered his lips to the skin of her neck. His touch was soft as her nails dug into his back, she was shaking at the open-mouthed kisses he trailed down her neck. A shiver ran down her spine at the feeling.

A fire was starting to burn within her the longer his hands ran up her sides before interlacing their hands beside her head.

Aemond pressed one more kiss to her neck, nipping it softly causing her eyes to flutter shut. He pulled away to peck her lips lightly, his eyes trailing over her face that glowed in the darkness with only the light from the candles.

𝐰𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬,  𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐝Where stories live. Discover now