Chapter 13

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                              Felix's POV
She pressed her legs together. I started squeezing her thigh more.


I guess...I'm doing a good job at teasing her.

If that seat's not wet, I'll be shocked.

She mumbled something. I didn't ask what it was. I just left it alone. I looked at the mirror inside the car.  

"You girls okay back there?"

They both nodded.

"You're being quiet right now. What's wrong?"

"We don't like this song."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

At a red light, I hooked up my phone to the car. I put on the kids playlist, I had made. They started singing.

There we go.

"Now are you okay babe?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking of ways to get you back."

"Ah. Have you thought of something?"

"There's a few things."

We got to the mall and I parked. We got out of the car and I locked it. I started holding Katrina's hand and Mariposa started holding Destiny's. We walked into the mall.

"Daddy? I wanna get my ears pierced."

"Oh uh...okay."

"Oooo me too!"

The first thing we did was, go get their ears pierced. I was shocked, they didn't cry. After that, we wandered around looking at stores. After a while, we went to the food court to eat.

"So tomorrow while you're at school, I'm going to get our things. Okay?"


After we ate, we started walking around again. The kids fell asleep on the way home. We took them out of the car and brought them to their rooms. After that, I grabbed clean clothes so I could shower. Mariposa grabbed my hand. We started walking.

"Woah. Where are we going?"

"Where do you think?"


We went into her room. She closed her door. She started kissing me. She started tugging on my shirt.

"Okay. Okay. It's coming off."

We took off our clothes and she jumped up. She wrapped her arms around my neck. She went back to kissing me. I wrapped my arms around her and started walking to her bed. I laid her down.

"You sure?"


"Wait. I thought, you were supposed to get me back."

"Oh I will. You're just not gonna know when, it'll happen."

I started staring at her. She kissed me.

"So I'm gonna be caught off guard?"


I rolled my eyes. I went in and started moving. I started kissing her neck. Her hands were in my hair.

"Am I meeting your mom tomorrow or no?"

"Oh hell no. She better not be there."

"What about these other sisters?"

"Don't know. Don't care."


Her head went back and she covered her mouth with her hands. When we were done, we ended up being able to sleep for a few. We woke up when we heard alarms going off. We got ready then had breakfast. After that, we brought the kids to school. After that, we went to get me and Katrina's things. I pulled into the driveway and only saw Skyler's car.

We got out of the car and we went up to the front door. I used my key and unlocked it. I opened the door and walked in.

"Sky? We're here."

Skyler ran up to us.

"Hi! I started putting some things together already. Are you serious about this?"

"Yeah. I can't risk anything."

"You're right. You can't. I understand. I'm not mad at you. I never was. I was just giving you a suggestion. I'm sorry if it seemed like, I was forcing you. I'm sorry about her following you. I didn't know."

"I-it's fine. I'm sorry too. I just panicked. She showed up outta nowhere."

"You're right. She did."

We walked up to my room. There were a few empty boxes. We walked over to them. I started clearing things off of my night table. I picked up a picture of Katrina as a baby.

"How old was she in that?"

"10 months."

I wrapped it in bubble wrap and put it in a box. Someone grabbed my neck and slammed me up against the wall. I saw a girl.

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