Chapter 31

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      Felix's POV
I tucked him in then kissed his forehead. He smiled. I left his room and shut the door. I checked on the girls and saw they were sleeping. I walked into my room. Mariposa ran up to me and started kissing me. I used my foot to shut the door.

I picked her up without breaking anything. She wrapped her arms and legs around me. That was the night we started trying for a baby. I woke up with someone on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw Ryker.

"Hey little man. What's up?"

"I-I'm hungry. Can I eat?"

"Yeah. What do you want?"

He shrugged.

"Okay. Can you go wake up your sisters for me?"


He jumped off and walked away. I looked and saw Mariposa sleeping.



"Ryker's hungry. I'm gonna go make him and the girls something to eat. Do you want anything?"

"I'll eat in a bit."

I got up and got ready. I heard things moving.

"No! Daddy's gonna get mad!"

"I want strawberries!"

"You need to wait!"

I walked to the kitchen. Katrina was in the fridge trying to climb onto the shelves. I ran up to her and picked her up.

"Oh no you don't. Why were you doing that?"

"I want strawberries!"

"Okay. Go sit down. I'll get you some."

"Oh! Oh! Daddy? I want banana and chocolate chip pancakes!"

"Okay. Go sit down."

"Daddy? Is that good?"

"Yeah. Me and Trina like it."

"You should try it!"

"Kat, he doesn't have to. Don't force him."

He said he wanted to try it so, I started making the banana and chocolate chip pancakes. I made little fruit cups too. I grabbed a plate and started putting the pancakes on it. They started eating while I started cleaning up.

The kids were adorable at the wedding. Destiny and Katrina found a way to make Ryker dance.

"Aww. Look at them. I don't think...he's been this happy so far. Can't believe, I got your ass to cry."

"I'm never living this down."

"Nope. You're not. I won't let you. When are we telling them?"

"Telling them what?"

"You know....about the.."


"Don't tell me...your dumbass forgot about it already. Think..."

"Oh! The baby! I've got a idea."

"Oh god. I'm scared. Don't tell're gonna throw a baby shower for three, 6 year olds."

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