Chapter 14

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                               Mariposa's POV
"Hey! Get off him!"

I started trying to pull the girl away from him. Felix started hyperventilating.

"Are you avoiding us?! Your family?!"

"Let him go! You're triggering him!"

He started shaking.

"Baby it's okay. You're okay."

The girl pulled out a knife. I jumped in front and f the girl. I slapped the knife away. It cut my left cheek a bit. I put my arms behind me. I felt Felix fall.

"Felix you're okay. Who do you think you are?!"

"I'm his sister! Who are you?!"

"His girlfriend!"

"P-Posie? I-I can't...I can't breathe."




Skyler ran into the room.

"What's wrong?"

"This bitch, just triggered Felix!"

"I'm not the bitch! You are!"


Skyler got in the middle of us.

"Tamara back away."

"This is bullshit! Does she even know anything how him?!"

"Why does that matter?!"

I turned around. I sat down on the floor, on my knees. I cupped Felix's face.

"It's okay. I'm right here. Breathe."

He burrowed his face into my chest.

"You're good. You're good."

"Tamara what are you doing?! I can hear you from outside!"

Felix looked over my shoulder. He jumped up. I stood up. I cupped his face again.

"Look at me. Look at me. Felix look at me."

He looked down at me.

"You're okay. I am right here. I love you."

His eye widened.

"Yo-you love me?"

"I do."

He sniffled.

"I-I love you too."

"It's okay."

I used my thumbs to wipe away tears.

"Breathe. You're fine."

He started hugging me tight. He started crying into  my shoulder.

"Skyler get them out."

I started scratching Felix's back.

"You're okay. You're okay. Let's go sit down."

We sat down on the bed. He put his head in his hands.

"You can lay down if you want. I can pack some things."

"Holy shit. You're the best. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Take a short nap if you want. You look mentally drained."

"Yeah. You're right. I am."

He laid down.

"Please don't be long."

"I won't. Is there anything, you want me to pack?"

"My football jerseys. Kat loves wearing them. They're in my closet."

I walked over to his closet. I started going through it.

"Hey uh. Out of all people to help with...why me?"

"What do you mean?"

He sat up.

"Why'd you pick me?"

"I don't know how to explain it. There's just something about you. Can I ask you something?"

"I guess."

"Let's say...Carmella was still alive, would you...go back to her?"


"No reason."

He stood up and walked up to me.

"What's wrong?"


He crossed his arms.

"Who said what?"


"Don't lie."

"She's your daughter's mother."

"Okay and?"

"Wouldn't you...want to be with her again?"

"Honestly...probably not."


"We-we had our own problems. Don't get me wrong, I loved her. I love you more than I did her."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. You're not pushing me to say anything. She did."

"And you still loved her?"

"I-I don't know why."

"Did you stop loving her when you were together?"

"No. I moved in. I put her before me. I know this sounds bad. Trust me. I do."

"I-I honestly don't know what to think of that."

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