Chapter 25

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Felix's POV
"Carmella? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be dead."

"Felix! Hi!"


"How are you?"

"I-I'm fine. Why-how are you here?"

"I faked it. I faked everything. I-I ran off with someone else."

"Excuse me?"

"I know...I know...I'm a horrible person."

"Are you saying, you cheated on me?"

"Yes? No? Maybe?!"

"Why come clean now? It's been what? 5 years or something? How'd you find me?"

"I-I've been kinda following you?"

"Get away from my house."

"I-I need help."

"And I care why?"

"I-it's about us."

" "Us"? The hell does that mean?"

"I still love you."


"Can you take me back?"

"Babe? Who's at the door?"

"It's nothing. Go back upstairs please."

"Y-you're with someone?"

"Yeah. You were dead."

Destiny ran up to me.


I looked down at her.


"Can we go to the zoo or aquarium?"

"Is this her?"

I looked back at Carmella.

"Sweetie, go play with your sister."

Destiny ran away.

"No. That wasn't her. That's my step daughter."

She pushed her way into my house.

"Hey! Get outta my house!"

She grabbed Katrina and started running. Me, Mariposa, and Destiny ran after her. We ran until we lost them. I started crying. My daughter, was now gone. I failed as her father to protect her. I started crying at night. Destiny and Mariposa started hugging me for hours. They would cry every day too.

One day, I got a call from a hospital. The three of us jumped into my car and went there. We ran in. We got told where Katrina was. She heard us and ran up to us. I dropped to my knees.


She ran into my arms.

"Hey princess! Thank god! I'm so sorry!"

"I love you."

"I love you too!"

She saw Destiny and Mariposa then ran up to them. I stood up. When we were allowed to bring her home, everyone started sleeping in my room. We ended up getting a bigger bed. It took a while for Katrina to feel comfortable sleeping in her room. In the morning, before I went to work, I made sure she was still in her room. Then I'd check on Destiny. Then, I'd say "bye" and tell everyone I'd be back later.

Thank god, she's safe.

Carmella is actually dead this time.

At least, that's what they said.

Hopefully, it's real this time.

It should be.

Katrina has nightmares about Carmella getting shot.

She needs therapy definitely.

When I get home, I'll talk to Posa about this.

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