Chapter 29

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                                Felix's POV

"Yes, Kat?"

"Can I show him, how to play a game?"


She went to one of her favorite games. She started showing him how to play. He kept messing up. He started getting upset.

"Oh no. It's okay. I messed up a few times too."

The girls started hugging him. I look at Mariposa.

"Are you alright?"

"This is so adorable. They're being so gentle and patient."

Ryker started smiling. He wrapped his arms around his sisters. He smiled. I looked at Mariposa.

"Mari, relax."

"I love this so much."

I smiled.

"Our daughters are hugging our son. God, I want a baby."

"Hey Ryk? Are you hungry?"

He nodded.

"Girls, are you hungry?"

They nodded. We all got up and went to the kitchen. We started going through the pantry and cabinets. I heard something fall. Ryker was trying to climb to a shelf in the pantry. I ran over to him and picked him up.

"Don't do that. You're gonna hurt yourself. What are you trying to get?"

He pointed to the mac and cheese.

"Girls? Does mac and cheese work for you?"


I pulled out a few boxes.

"Babe are you gonna want some?"

"Okay. Sure."

After the food was made, I grabbed plates. I brought them all to the dining room. Mariposa picked up the pot and brought it to the dining room. Destiny grabbed a serving spoon and Katrina grabbed a pile of napkins and utensils. They brought them over to the table. We went and got drinks and brought them to the dining room. We guessed on what Ryker would like. He sat on the floor.

"What's wrong? Why are you down there? There's enough chairs for everyone."

I picked him up and put him on a chair. He watched us put food on our plates. He started staring at the pot.

"You can have some."

I put some on his plate and he started slowly eating.

"Yay! He's eating!"

He smiled and started eating more.

"I guess, he likes it."

He nodded.

"Don't eat too fast. You'll get sick. Before I forget, how would you guys, like to go to an amusement park over the weekend?"



"You two have been doing well in school lately so this could be a little treat."

"Oooo Ryker's gonna have fun!"

"Ryk? Do you not know what that is?"

He shook his head.

"It's a really fun place! There's rides. There's shops. There's places to eat. Oh! There's even a safari!"

"Ryker, I'm getting you a phone. You need it case, something happens. Tomorrow, we're all going to the mall."

I slept in his room with him again. He woke up in the middle of night since he had a really bad dream. I let him sleep in for about an hour. He was scared to walk into the mall. I held his hand while we walked in. He started looking around. We bought him a phone and headphones. He picked out a phone case. The employee set up the phone for him.

He picked out a phone holder to stick on his phone case. We walked around the mall and he started getting more comfortable. It just took him a while. When he wanted something, his way of asking was to pick it up and point.

"You don't have to only get one thing."

He shook his head. He said something under his breath. I crouched down. I used my finger to lift his head up.

"What'd you say?"

He shook his head again.

"What did you say?"

"I-I don't want to get in trouble."

"Buddy, you're not gonna get in trouble for asking for something. You won't get in trouble unless, you do something wrong. I won't hurt you. I am not Carmella and her family. Your sisters love you. Mommy loves you. I love you."

I put my hand on his head.

"You are in a loving family. There's no need to be scared. I read your records. Similar things have happened to me. It's okay. Let's finish up here. We'll go get something to eat then we can keep walking around. Okay?"

I stood up. We finished up at in the store then went to the food court. We walked around looking to see what we wanted. Ryker was scared to get anything.

"Little man, you can get something. You gotta eat. We've been here for hours."

He found something he wanted. We sat down at a table when we all had food. Ryker started smiling while he ate.

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