Chapter 3-Lin Kuei Massacre

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(Y/N) looks towards his opponents of roughly 100 Lin Kuei foot soldiers, and gets himself ready to destroy all of his enemies.

|Play song above for battle music|

He then charges headlong into the first wave of 10, using his chained kunai as a deadly windmill. Some of the clansmen dodged, while the unlucky ones got slit in the face or throat by that. (Y/N) then slices another 3, taking one of them and stabbed the poor guy in the eyes, kicking him away only to bring him back and drive the kunai further into them. If that wasn't enough, he drives them even further by slamming the poor man's head into the ground, effectively killing him. (Y/N) then lights himself ablaze, and flies through the rest of the wave, leaving them to be burned through completely. He then also takes his swords, slices the arms off of another 20 Lin Kuei soldiers, and burning them alive. The rest of the soldiers then started to attack (Y/N), but he was staying one step ahead every time. By the time he got done with the 100 fighters, (Y/N) was soaked in blood, with severed and legs scattered all over. There were also stomachs torn out of the bodies, and some hearts still beating with the corpses nearby. He then sees the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei with the man who was responsible for the death of his parents: Bi-Han.

(Y/N): You finally show yourself. I've waited 15 years to get my hands on you fucks for the death of my clan. My family. I will fulfill my vengeance.

GM: So be it. You will face myself and Bi-Han while the soldiers keep us contained.

(Y/N): I've got a better battlefield for this. TO THE NETHERREALM WITH YOU!!!

He then takes his two opponents to the Netherrealm, where he is at home and makes his fight much better.

(Y/N): This is where I was reborn *lights himself on fire* and this is where you will fall.

(Y/N) then strikes first blood, knocking Bi-Han into the grandmaster against the hard rock of the realm. They were then sent flying to another level below them in the Netherrealm. With it being infinite, the Netherrealm was the perfect battlefield for a moment like this. (Y/N) then uses his kunai to throw both of his opponents into the ground, causing the entire realm to shake from his rage. Unknown to him, the person he sent here to train was still here with his mentor, and they felt the tremor.

Scene Change

Here, we see Issei fighting against Tannin in his strongest form, known as the Cardinal Crimson Queen Promotion. He was pushing Tannin to the limit, but was also exhausted as he had fought against him for a good while. Before anyone of them made another move, they felt the realm shake, but were unsure until they felt (Y/N)s presence here with two other unknown.

Issei: So he's here, huh? I wonder why?

Tannin: I believe the two unknown to me are his main targets.

Ddraig: [They are his targets. Bi-Han and the grandmaster are both getting their asses kicked by (Y/N)]

Issei: Sweet. So he's finally getting his vengeance, huh?

Ddraig: [Though there is something else I'm concerned about. And it may correlate to the Lin Kuei, as they may have been tricked by someone to end (Y/N)s clan]

Tannin: Who would do that, though?

Issei: No clue. Shall we continue?

Back to (Y/N)

We return to (Y/N), where he is standing tall unfazed while the grandmaster and Bi-Han were struggling, covered in slits, bruises, having a few broken bones, and blood covering them all over. They now had felt something from (Y/N) for the very first time since they killed his clan: fear.

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