Breathing water

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Girl pov.

I woke up after a feverish dream filled with fish-heads with legs and humans with crablike claws. "Gosh", I thought " What creepy movie did I watch last night?!?" I stared at celling and it took awhile before my brain noticed the fact that I did not recognise it. I noticed the strangeness of the air I was breathing. It felt moist and cold, like water, and it tasted salty. This realisation reminded me of the previous night. An inevitable idea formed in my mind. Anxiously I looked at the bottom half of my body. I freaked out in such a way that screaming wasn't possible. I nearly fainted. I was paralysed.

It took some time before my brain managed to process it all. I tried to calm myself and took in my surroundings. "If I changed into a mermaid," I thought, "there should be a way to change back into a human." I appeared to be in a bedroom. The bed, or so I thought it was, was made up out of living green seaweed. Next to it there was a drawer and a mirror surrounded by living sea stars, which I assumed were some kind of decoration. On the other side of the bed hang a kind of cloth and behind it I suspected to find a window. The orange walls were covered with still life, mainly flowers and didn't have any sharp conners. From the celling hang a sort of mobil, you know those you hang above a cradle. That thing kind of irked me. I got up and tried to swim a little and was surprised by the fact that felt so natural, as if I had had a tail all my life.

Slowly I swam towards the window and pushed the curtain aside. I was stunned by the beauty of what I saw. The sea was clear blue with here and there a few rays of light. Past my window swam the most magnificent creatures; tiny seahorses, in bright coulors, Fish in every size and form you can think of and squids, well ok squids aren't extremely beautiful, but it was amazing to see them so close by and in their natural habitat. The building I was in, was surrounded by an immense under water garden. In short the view was amazing. Suddenly I heard a low pitched song. Looking up I saw a huge whale and above it: the sky. As if I was hypnotised, I was drawn towards it. As a sirene it sang to me. My only thought being that I had to touch the air. As a zombie I swam out of the window up towards the sun.

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