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Vern pov.
The moment he came in my only thought was; does he have the antidote? But I just couldn't ask it. First of all I didn't want to stress him more (he clearly hadn't slept much and I bet that's because of me) and second I couldn't handle any false hope. I needed to be patient and not think about what I could lose, but about the positive sides of this adventure.
I guess my thoughts were on full display on my face while I politely asked how he had slept.

"The bit of the night that I slept was good. I have spent the rest of the time on finding the antidote." He said." But don't worry, I'll find it."

Even though his voice was filled with determination I sensed a little doubt in it. But I decided not to mention it. That would be better for the both of us. I swam towards him and took the basket with food he offered me. I looked down at it and felt my cheeks turn red. I had no idea what was in it. It kinda looked like a green croissant.

"Ehmmm, what is...this?" I asked troubeld.
"Breakfast" He answered.

I rolled my eyes at him. Yeeh smartypants I guessed that already. So I asked again.

"I know that, but what is it?"
"Oh." He said while he slapped his head. " I forgot. It's kelbor, you would call it ehmm bread. It's made from seaweed. Kelp to be precies. Just try it. You'll like it trust me."
"The last time you gave me something my entire world turned upside down." I teased.
"I'm sorry to bust your expectations, but I'm afraid kelbor doesn't have any magical abilities. Unless you call stilling your hunger a magical thing." He smartly remarked.

I raised my eyebrows and took hold of on of these kelbors or as I would rather call them kelb-croissants and brought it to my mouth. It tasted different. It was a flavour I had never tasted before and therefor I can't explain what it taste like, except for the fact that it was DELICIOUS!
Suddenly I heard a soft chuckel. I opened my eyes and looked at Leith. Apparently something was very funny for he started to laugh aloud freely.
" Your hahaha face. Hahaha fantastic hahaha." he laughed.
"Jeeh, laugh. Just wait till I feed you chocolate" I smirked.
Immediately he stopped laughing and seriously asked: "What is chocolate?"
"Only the most delicious thing on earth!" I said dramatically with my hands raised towards the sky. "To eat chocolate or not to eat chocolate, that is no question!"
"I get it!" He said laughing and I freely laughed with him. I had the feeling he had no idea who Shakes Speare was and just laughed, but nevertheless it was a great way to let go of the stress an anxiety.

Suddenly he stopped and looked at me with a serious expression on his face. "I'll do anything I can to get you out of this mess. I promise." And with those words he left.

Leith pov.
I just have to reverse this curse I bestowed upon her. She doesn't deserve to be pulled away from her life. She's a kind, lovely sweet young lady, with whom you can have a great laugh. Clearly she had tons of loved ones on land who adored her. And I wouldn't be the one who would keep her from her friends.
Having returned to my lab, I glanced around to see where I should begin. It was a mess. With pots and pans, spills of whatever and open books scattered al over the place. In frustration I banged my fists on the table. I had no idea how to help her. I read all the books but they offered nothing more than I already knew. I reread the recipe, but I couldn't find any errors. I had no clue how to change her back and there is no one who could help me with that. I had tried everything and I will try even more until I find a solution. Plus there was noway that I could face her if I didn't.

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