The ballroom.

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Leith pov.
I wasn't sure how she felt about the fact that I called finding the antidote a helpless cause. But she made a point. Staying in my lab pitying myself won't help anyone. Some fresh air would do us both some good. Release the stress.
Apart from that she deserved to do something fun, since I avoided her and thus probably leaving her in a serious state of boredom.

"Are you gonna stand there all day or should I give you another push?" Vern said with her arms crossed.
"Nope, I'm fine. Let's go." I swam forward, leading the way. It will take a while before we reach the exit, giving me enough time to think of a destination.

Some time later
"This castle is so huge and simlar! How do you even know where you're going?" Vern said, gesturing dramaticly.

"I don't know. To be honest I am pretty lost." I grinned. Of course I knew exactly where we were, but she didn't know that.

"So you've been randomly walking around until you magically walk into whatever you're looking for?" She asked with an cynical look in her eyes.

"Yup" I awnserd causally. "Works everytime."

"Sure, that's the reason why I found your lab so easily." She grinned. I smiled.

"It takes some time to get to know your way around, but since I live here I've had all the time I needed." I turned around and stopped waiting for her to catch up. Our eyes crossed, but I quickly altered my gaze.

"How many people live here anyway?" She asked.
"Me, my brothers, mum and dad, a few other people and that's it." I said.
"How much is a few?"
" about 15."
"WHAT! This entire castle, so big it could hold at least 100 whales and give them enough space to move around freely, only house vests 20 people?!? Why even bother to make it so..... Big!" She exclaimed.
"Not people darling" I teased "but mermen. Other than that rooms are often occupied by travellers, refugees and also the castle serves as a hospital and knowledge centre, like the library and archiefs. Basically all the things not provided by the town. But I admit, even with those extra functions, the castle still has it's empty places. Like the wing where your room and my lab is situated." I explained.
"And the garden." she added.
"And the garden." I confirmed.

We had finally reached our first destination. We stood in front of two huge doors covered with gold and sliver paint. No matter how many times I've seen it the detailed carvi
"We have arrived" I said and opened the door.

Her face was all oh and aw. "It's so beautiful....breathtaking"
"It is." I confirmed. It was really sweet to sees her so delighted. It made me feel proud of our culture. The ballroom was a real exquisite sight. To begin with it's huge. The floor is made of mint green marble and reflects the light of the thousands of glowworms. As if you where between the stars.
"I used to come here often as a kid. Just to stare up at the glowworms and let my fantasy run free." I slight smile appeared on my face. "It was beautiful"
"It is beautiful" she corrected.
"Your right, come on I've got more to show you." I led her towards the door.
"Where are we going?" She asked.
"You'll see" I answered.

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