A little stroll through the castle

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Vern's pov.
Rainbows, I wonder if they have them here. I signed. It had been three days since I last saw Leith or anyone else for that matter. Not that I knew anyone else. Leith, at least I think it's Leith, managed to sneak into my room in the early hours, while I was still asleep, and leaving me with enough food to get through the day. In the meantime I slept, eat and had a good look of the garden outside. Since mr. fish hadn't shown his face for the last couple of days I think it was only fair to bend his don't leave the room rule. So I made regular trips to the garden, whenever it was deserted. Which was basically the whole time. Once I almost got into trouble when I lost sight of my window. It took me some time to find it back again, since all the windows look alike for someone who is new to these surroundings. But apart from that nerve racking adventure, it was pretty boring in here. "What if Leith is avoiding me?" I said out loud in a moment of enlightenment. Well then, I thought, I better look him up to see what he's up to. And with that excuse I decided to make my way towards the door, which luckily he hadn't locked (I had checked), and to see what was on the other side. Opening it I found myself in a incredibly long corridor. To me there seemed no beginning or end. I took a deep breath and entered the hallway draped with a distinguish royal red colour.

A little later,
After turning right and left a thew times and being basically lost, I came to the conclusion that I was a little too enthusiastic about my search. All the corridors I went through and all the doors I passed were exactly the same. And to make it even worse this place is huge and pretty much deserted! Or I had just been walking in circles....

In other words it was an very stupid idea. Lost in thought I suddenly bumped into someone.
"He watch where you're going!" He said.
"Easy for you to say. You at least know where you're going!" I answered while rubbing my face.
"Lost little girl?" He asked with a fake sweet voice.
"I ain't little." I snapped at him and took a good look at his face. It was similar to Leiths. I guessed he was one of his brothers.
"Whoah, thats's no tone to address a prince with." He remarked. Yup, defiantly Leiths brother. Boy that guy had arrogance, but what would you expect. I decided to trick him just for the fun of it.
"My deepest apologies your highness. I have eyesight problems and therefor I couldn't recognise you on such short notice. I am sure a kind man, like yourself, would help a maiden in distress to her destination?"
"Woah, no need to get all theatrical. Where are you heading?"
"I'm searching for Prince Leith. Do you happen to know where he is?" I asked.
"Wait, you're looking for Leith?" His eyes widened in amazement " He didn't tell me he had a girlfriend!" He signed. "What happened to BBF? "
"BBF? What does that even mean? Best Baboon Friend? Cause that would only make sense if you were the baboon." I remarked.
"Very funny. Where have you been? under a stone? Cause it means best bro's forever. Duhhhhhh."
"Stones are very comfortable homes." I said.
"Sure" he said with a grin.
"Ok, so do you where he is or not?
"Sure do, but ain't gonna tell you!" He teased. Argh kid. But I had dealed with this before!
"Then show me." I said.
"Heee, you're smart. This way, follow me." And then he started shouting Leith's name. He's a bit idiotic. For the sake of this kingdom I hoped he wasn't Muriel. After a while I had basically wandered through the entire castle following a shouting prince. Suddenly he stopped, turned around, looked at me and said;
"Guess he ain't here, but that don't matter. Since I know where he is."
"Wait." I said. "You knew where he was the whole time?!?"
"Yup." He awnsered.
"Than why have we been circling the place shouting?"
"You can't be sure if he were still there. There is always reasonable doubt. Besides I needed to practise my vocal chords" He grinned and started swimming. I just rolled my eyes at him followed him. During the stroll my mind produced a thought worthy of that guy. "Ladies and Gentleman! Behold a fine specimen of the idiotic merman. clap clap clap." I grinned. Apparently such behaviour was.... Suddenly I bumped into mr weird.
"Volia, the gateway to Prince Leith's not so secret lab. I shall leave you now." With out goodbye he swam away.
I wanted to thank him, but the racket on the opposite side of the door attracted my attention. Slowly my hand took hold of the cold metal doorknob and turned it.

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