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Hello everyone and welcome to what I'd like to call, the Ninjago Crystalized Thought Book.

As you've read from the description, the contents of this book will mainly be episode reviews, comments, and basically a breakdown of each episode in the final season of Ninjago.

Please note that these are only my opinions. It is alright if you do not agree with everything I say but I do encourage you to leave your own thoughts using the comment section which will also serve as a discussion board.

Now, why did I make this? I think I speak for everyone when I say that Crystallized was filled with some heavy stuff and allowed us to realize things too quickly. With the short number of minutes for each episode, plenty of things happen within the 11 minute time frame and you are already on to the next episode before you've finished processing things.

I wanted to create a space for fellow Ninjago fans (myself included) to be able to relay their own thoughts and opinions that they were not able to share when watching the episodes the first time.

I am well aware that discussion boards can often lead to unnecessary drama and debates, maybe even fights. To prevent that, everyone must follow a simple set of rules to keep the peace and order in this book.


1.) Keep things civil. We are all entitled to our own opinions and you are in no position to force your ideas to other people. If you want to be respected, respect everyone else too (and that includes the ships that other people may like even if you don't).

2.) No swearing. In order to avoid unnecessary quarrels about someone offending another, please maintain a polite vocabulary.

3.) Disagreements are normal. If you are to encounter a situation where you and the person you're talking to have reached the point where your opinions have clashed, please don't make it a big deal and end your friendship right then and there. I trust you all to be mature enough to know that not everyone will agree with you but don't let it discourage you from speaking for yourself.

4.) No unnecessary topics. This is a thought book about Ninjago. If you wish to discuss other shows, you may do it in private or in a different book. Let's try to keep on topic, guys.

5.) Have fun. Remember, you are here to share information and express yourself. Don't let things get too serious especially when we're all just fangirling/fanboying over the same show.

That's everything I'd like to clarify, though I might add more rules depending on how this goes. But for now, let's get on with it!

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