Part 4

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The Wedding

(Reader POV)

You and Tommy stood at the need of the rose covered aisle with your best friends on either side of you. The two of you held each other hands and smiled joyfully at one another as the priest read through the ceremony. Your heart fluttered inside your chest and you couldn't believe after a year of ups and down you and the guitarist had gotten to this point.

"Now, would the happy couple like to read their vows?" The priest asked.

"Ill go first," Tommy said, as he reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Oh boy, tara, hand me a tissue, please?" You asked.

Tommy took your hand again in his and flashed you his little boy grin, making your heart melt into a million pieces. He cleared his throat and turned back to Paul, holding out his hand for the ring, which Paul then turned to Eric with his hand out. Tara tapped you on the shoulder, handing you both the guitarist's ring and a tissue, as you saw the drummer pass the rings back to your soon to be husband.

"My love, I never thought I would find a happy ending again after the heartbreak I dealt with in the past. Meeting you on the Kruise was the happiest time in my life and I promise to make every waking moment just like those few days we spent on the beach for our first date. You are my soulmate, and I promise to honor, protect, and serve you in every way possible. I will be an excellent father for our children. I will love you in the bad times and the good. Be a shoulder you can lean on when you feel weak. I love you with all my heart. Please take this ring as a token of this, promise," Tommy replied.

"Okay, Y/N, it's now your turn," the priest said

"Tommy, I love you and am so thankful I listened to my best friend when she talked me into going on the Kruise with her over a year ago. You have put the pieces of my broken heart back together with each day we are together. I promise to be by your side through thick and thin. You are not sure if you can love yourself on certain days. Those are the days I will love you with all my strength. When you are sad, I will wipe your tears. I promise we will never part or go to bed angry, and I look foreward to being your wife, and the mother of your children. I love you. Please take this ring as a token of this promise." You said.

Tommy wiped the tears from his eyes and gave your hand a tight squeeze, neither one of you fully listening to what the priest had to say as you gazed into each other's eyes. The priest, after a few minutes, pronounced the two of you husband and wife, and you smiled at the guitarist as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you toward him, making your three friends laugh. The guitarist put both of his hands on either side of your face and kissed you sweetly, taking your breath away for a moment as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Paul let out a loud whistle and clapped as the two of you pulled away from each other while Eric and Tara clapped.

"It is my great pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham Thayer," the priest shouted

The guitarist grabbed your hand and pulled you down the aisle, both of you exchanging small glances at one another as you headed toward the elevators. You felt the butterflies danced in your stomach as you knew what was about to take place between the two of you, now as man and wife. You turned to see Paul and the other two standing close to the elevator, smiling at you like idiots.

"So are we going to wait for the wedding dinner until tonight or go now?" eric asked

"The plan was to meet you at six. Give me some time with my new bride, okay?" Tommy replied.

"Just make sure she can walk and remember to hydrate. You don't want to be too worn out before the honeymoon." Paul said.

"Honeymoon? I thought you guys had a gig or something." You asked.

"Uh, we have a couple of days to get away and Ill show you where we are going when we get to the room, okay?" Tommy said, as he gently led you into the elevator.

You waved goodbye to your friends as the doors closed and looked down at your hand, seeing the one-carat diamond ring sitting on your wedding finger. Tommy pushed you into the back corner and lifted your chin to look at him. He pushed his body against yours as he held your throat lightly with his hand. You licked your lips and then bit your bottom one, waiting to see what the guitarist was going to do next.

"I love you Mrs. Thayer," Tommy whispered

"I love you too Mr. Thayer," You whispered back, before kissing his lips

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