Part 12

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(Tommy POV)

Three Weeks Later

The guitarist stood in the doorframe of the bedroom the two of you shared, watching you sleep underneath the blankets. He was worried sick about you as you had barely left the bed since the miscarriage a few weeks before. You stirred in the bed and Tommy walked in and took a seat on the side of the bed, waiting for you to fully wake up. Your eyes fluttered open, and you smiled up at the guitarist and held open your arms to him.

"Hi baby, how are you feeling?" Tommy asked, kissing the side of your face

"I'm still a little sad, but I'm getting a little better," You said, pulling away from him

"I want you to get up and take a nice bubble bath. When you get out, there is going to be an outfit for you to put on. Put it on and then meet me downstairs. I have plans to make you feel like the queen of the world again." Tommy said.

"Baby, no, we don't need to go out. You've been taking care of me for the past couple of weeks. Let me take care of you." You replied.

"You can take care of me later, if you feel ready for that, but right now, I want you to do what I asked. You have an hour." He said, walking to the bathroom and turning on the water to the bathtub.

He walked back out and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the bed, and pulling you into a tight embrace. Tommy leaned down and kissed your lips delicately, as though he was afraid he could hurt you. You immediately started to kiss him back, taking him by surprise, and he held you tighter against him as the room spun around him. The two of you exchanged small kisses back and forth before the guitarist pulled away and pushed you toward the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. He walked over to the closet and pulled out two already packed suitcases, and carried them down the stairs.

"Now let's just hope this weekend ski trip doesn't get ruined by any surprised visitors or estranged family members." Tommy whispered to himself as he grabbed the plane tickets and placed them in his hoodie pocket.


20 minutes later

(Reader POV)

You wrapped your robe around your body and put your hair up in another towel before walking out of the bathroom. Tommy was sitting on the bed waiting for you with a grin on his face, as he stood up and walked over to you with his smile growing bigger by the second. Your favorite hoodie, jeans and slip-on shoes were on the bed, showing a trip was planned..

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"Colorado, to the mountains for a couple of days. I figure we both need a change of scenery and what better way place to have our honeymoon." Tommy said, as he put his hands on your shoulders

"Ive always wanted to go skiing and it would be nice to see the snow," You replied

"I just want us to have a break and clear the air. I love you Y/N, I hope you know that," he whispered in your ear.

"I love you too. When do we leave?" You asked

"As soon as you are in the car. Ive already packed for us and the driver is waiting to take us to the airport." He said.

You squealed and jumped up and down, making the guitarist laugh and kiss your lips. You raced to get dressed and the two of you ran through the house, making they locked sure everything up before Tommy grabbed the suitcases. The two of you walked hand in hand to the car and for the first time you could feel a spark of happiness lighting inside of you and you hoped that this weekend would be the start of the repair that the two of you needed.

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