First night alone.

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Here I am. Alone in a small house with my three beautiful girls. Clover,Callie and Candice. Their father wants nothing to do with them as he becomes a famous rocker he agreed to pay for the apartment and got each girl a crib me a bed and the basics for an apartment in exchange I never tell anyone who the father is and I never bother him. I'm doing online classes while they sleep so I can finish my grade 12 then maybe I'll set up a way to get a job. I hear Callie scream as I work on my English and before I get to the room all three are bawling. Please please stop crying I tell them I grab my baby backpack put Callie in and grab the other two I set them in the playpen when I get to the living room and I grab a bottle of pumped breastfeeding milk give one to one of the girls and the other two I feed. This won't be easy,I'm a small girl so I need to get them off breastfeeding fast as I don't have alot to give them. They are a week old and the doctor said after about a week I can pump milk and do half breast milk and half formula. This is the last time I will feed them like this. I struggle but finish feeding them I put a blanket on the floor and set two down and burp one. I rock her to sleep and put her in play pen. I do that for the other two then I make myself tea and go on my laptop. I see a missed message from their father. Album is doing good I'm going to be sending extra money monthly for you four to live off as I can afford it check the bank. L8er. I log onto my online banking and see he sent us an extra 3 grand this week. I decide we are going on an outing tomorrow to the market.

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