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"where the fuck did i put it?" billie muttered to herself as she looked around her dorm room.

i spotted her graduation cap, which was where she hadn't looked yet. i grabbed it and placed it haphazardly on her head. "there. perfect," i gave a shit eating grin.

it's been a couple of years... three and a half years, actually.

me and billie have officially been dating for four and a half years now. it's definitely been the best four and a half years of my life, even counting the hard times. the good times, which is ninety-nine percent of the time, makes everything else worth it.

billie is twenty-three now, and i'm twenty-two. we're getting so old. it's as equally exciting as it is scary.

today, we're graduating college. we've both gotten through our degrees with fairly good grades. it's been rough at points, and we've both had times of contemplating dropping out, but we (somehow) got through it.

and now we're about to graduate. then we'll actually be out in the "real world," which is insane to even just think about.

"oh," billie's face flushed. "where was it?"

"your desk," i snickered and watched as she took her cap off, then fixed her hair. "okay, so, you've got everything now? we need to be there pretty soon."

"mm, yeah, i think so," she nodded. "i just need to put on my shoes."

she stopped for a moment as she placed her hands on her hips. "i do not want to walk in heels all the way over there."

"me neither," i sighed.

"man, fuck this," she picked up her heels, then made her way to the door. she slipped on a more comfortable pair of shoes. "i'll change them when i need to."

i stared at her for a moment. i shrugged, and i followed suit. i picked up my heels, then put on the shoes that i wore over here. we locked billie's dorm room before we made our way out. since billie couldn't exactly hold my hand right now, due to everything we're both carrying, she slipped her arm through mine as we walked. i leaned my head against her's as we made our way through the halls.


several hours later, mine and billie's graduation ceremony has wrapped up. everybody is still swarming the place, either leaving or taking pictures. we're doing the latter.

grandma and maggie are making me and billie get pictures with everybody. right now, billie is taking a picture with finneas, while i'm about to take one with archer.

"come here, my love," i picked archer up. "jeez, you're getting so big," i teased.

archer is nine now. no, i won't talk about it anymore; i'll cry.

"i'm gonna be taller than you soon!" he bragged.

"oh, yeah? we'll see about that," i challenged as i scrunched my nose up at him.

he smushed his cheek next to mine, and we both grinned as grandma snapped a few pictures. once she was done, i set archer down, and he ran off to get pictures with billie as well. as he did, i got some pictures with finneas and claudia.

over the past few years, me and finny have finally stopped being so awkward with each other. i've also gotten pretty close with claudia and mikey, which has been nice.

after everybody got a picture with me and billie, we took a bunch of pictures together. one where she was standing up on her tiptoes to press her lips to mine. one where i had wrapped my arm around her shoulders to pull her into my side and kiss her head; she had lifted her hand to hold mine that was hanging off her shoulder. one where she had squished my cheeks together; she had stood up on her tiptoes as she did, and she was staring at me with the most lovestruck smile on her face.

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