Ireland and England(an unfortunate accident)

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(at a small store)bread I need bread England said as he strolled through the store. welp I'm leaving i can't find any beer. Then they bumped into each other the worst thing that could ever happen to Ireland anyway "oh hey what's your name" "my names Ireland" "Ireland huh nice name" "oh thanks what's your name" "it's England" you know England I- before Ireland could finish his sentence England asked him a very strange question. "Hey Ireland you doing anything after you leave?" Oh no why? well I wanted to ask if we could hang out oh but I just met you why do you have such an interest in me anyway,well your my colony huh what???(why would England assume I'm a colony of his this is my first time even meeting him) so are you interested in hanging out Um yeah sure oh yeah I forgot where are we going to hang out does the park sound nice? Yeah England left the store happy as can be *the next day* Ireland was sitting down at a bench in a park waiting for Britain when he later day Britain running to him a what looked like a gift? Oh hi Britain your a bit late Ireland said oh I'm so- sorry I was-getting - you a - gift Britain said huffing between each word when Ireland opened the package he saw. A Revolver!!! Ireland said in shock Yep got it just for Ireland the Irish boy the fiddled with it loading it and eventually shooting at a tree in an empty park.Wow this a cool gift I like it your welcome Ireland anyways why did you say I was your colony oh that I was offering you could join my empire oh I I'm not interested i really wanna stay independent Britain smiled faintly dropped well anyway let's just eat food Britain said not so happy  they later eat potatoes fish and chips with a burger after that the date was over hey this date wasn't so bad Britain wanna go out next time sure why not Ireland Ireland then left the park to go home and Britain did the same if I can't peacefully make you a colony i guess I'll have to do it with force

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