Operation Sealion Remake (Alternate History) 2

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At London we planned to gain naval and air superiority our royal navy engaged in the a naval battle at Dover to gain the base we lost back and for now it's been going good for now at least Churchill has planned for us to invade Germany from Dunkirk

Seeing That operation sea lion has been brought down by the national socialist German workers party  official council our plan was to get paratroopers to land in Denmark and get naval support from the royal navy seeing that the kriegsmarine couldn't hold up against it the Germans had already been collecting materials to build more planes we would set off in January 1941 but until then we prepare Italy was not that much of a threat they were being dealt with in Africa and japan wasn't much of a bother but we kept our eye on them just in case

                     *Time-skip To Jan 1941*

The time has come for the Dunkirk invasion titled operation strike "alright boys get your rifles and pistols and everything you need ready were shipping off come get your asses up now" our sergeant woke us up early in the morning to get off we put on our uniforms got our weapons and boarded the planes this was most likely going to be the hardest mission of my life we made it to Dunkirk France and it was now heavily defended by the Germans we skydived

Which was scary enough when we landed we sprinted to the German defenses we were behind them meaning it would be more easy to defeat them we were under fire I shot one guy my teammates shot some others some Germans surrendered I took the German soldiers that I shot's dog tag and found that he had a family " h- he had a family why the hell am I doing this I promise I'll give this photo to them if I find them" I said to the German before he passed away from blood loss we captured Dunkirk two divisions went north and twos went south my infantry encountered Italian soldiers I could tell my the slight difference in the color of their uniform and their helmet it was strange what were they doing here .

The division that went north said they were in a giant tank battle and called in for air support losing a mass amount of men but still winning the battle by calling in an air strike those panzers and tigers were practice for the British Whitley Pilots The Infantryman Up North were in Paris in no time we invaded southern France and captured France was liberated me and my division were going for Italy but when I was about to begin crossing the alps with my buddies but I saw a woman and a child like in the photo that I took from that German soldier " hey ma'am is this you in this photo?" "Yes it is" the woman said replying "oh I'd like you to have it your husband who was wearing he passed away I'm so sorry" " no it's okay do you have his dog tag" "yeah here it is take it" " thanks so much I'll always remember him" the woman said slightly tearing up "hey James get  you're ass over here we don't have all day" my teammates said impatiently "alright I'll be over bye ma'am"  "bye sweetie" the lady said before she left I got up with my team and it was time to cross the alps. Next Stop:Rome| I feel that was a pretty good time to stop anyways what do you guys think tell me in the comments and part 3 tomorrow? That's not a promise remember what said last time.

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