France and his colonies

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I don't even know this mainly focuses on Morocco and Algeria
Every day I hear the German artillery they bomb us all the time our squad leader France wasn't an encouraging person not to me or my friends anyway it was obvious he had favorites Algeria wrote about the war situation in his journal he did it so that people would know of his experiences "What are ya writing?" Said morocco who saw him sitting down, "oh nothing Morocco"

Morocco snatched Algeria's journal out of his hands "ooh your writing stuff about France he won't be happy about this" morocco teased "don't tell France Morocco I'll give you some of my food if you don't"

"K then" Morocco gave back the journal and got some of Algeria's food "hey Algeria were charging the German trench later today", "oh how nice" Algeria hated his life not because he had to fight in a war but because he was French he wore his common blue French uniform with boots and a fez cap and so did Morocco and other colonies he remembers back to training camp

                   *Flashback To Training Camp*

Morocco and Algeria were brought to training camp to get ready for the frontlines they were given there uniforms and did basic drill commands Algeria and Morocco along with other colonies stood in a line with France in front "Left Face!", "Right Face" "Left Turn" "Forward March" France yelled next it was an obstacle course dropping getting up and dropping on the floor they all stood in a line for inspection and France picked morocco to continuously run up a hill

And cause he wasn't as big as his brother he got exhausted and fell to the ground of the hill quick but Algeria helped him up and they passed inspection and it was night and France decided to go out and get wine and the colonies just decided to have a party but obviously cleaned up after to make sure they was no evidence of it happening after a few more weeks of training they got their final speech

"The soldiers of French and French colonies who stand here before me you are no longer recruits you are now soldiers of the French colonial empire you shall fight till death and courageously on the battlefield and beat your enemies with precision and strategy Vive la France!"

There was a big cheer from French soldiers after that speech one French soldier even said we were going on an adventure we marched in sync to the frontlines our rifles on our soldiers and helmets on our heads we were going to bring victory and glory to the French empire

                     *Back At The Frontlines*

"We're supposed to get ready to do the charge know?" Algeria asked, "Yeah get your rifle ready" Morocco responded Algeria loaded his rifle and so did Morocco all soldiers lined up to the trench line where they would charge the northern German trench *Whistle* as the whistle blew French soldiers charged the German trench Algeria and Morocco rushed past barbed wire bullets flying at them grenades artillery and made it closer to the trench close enough to throw a grenade

Algeria threw a grenade morocco followed and every side was throwing grenades but because of the French grenades and firepower the Germans ended up retreating and the French celebrated the victory the German trench wasn't that very far only about 357,000 French died in the charge and there wasn't very much of the war left the Germans were just barely holding out but it would take a lot more time for them to collapse

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