Meet again

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Hey guys, I'm back again with another chapter and next week or this week dipending on what time i publish this by i have school so i will be posting less often 😅 and i am trying really hard in school so please don't judge me for it but i will try my best to make sure i get this series done and please enjoy this next chapter.

After school, Dan walking home when he saw a little girl on the sidewalk crying so he decided to go see what was wrong with her.

"Hey are you okay?" Dan was worried because ne thought someone left her here on a sidewalk.

"Yeah I'm alright." The little girl said still crying.

"Where's the person who is taking care of you and what's your name?" Dan said.

"I lost my brother while there was a crowd of people coming by, i didn't realise i lost him until the went and my name is Emily." Emily said still sobbing.

"Hey it's alright i can help look for your brother!" Dan said witha smile of relief to know that the child wasn't abandoned.

"Would you really do that?" Emily asked very unsure on whether to trust me or not.

"Yeah now come on and what's your brother's name so i can call out to him?" Dan asked and ofcourse being very innocent.

"His name is Magnus." Emily said with a cheer of relief and she stoped and started to wipe away her tears. I gave a tissue so she could blow her nose because it was runny.

So we hot up and I held her hand and we started to walk to the park and after a few minutes i think i was about 5-7 minutes the guy i bumped into while walking to school came over and hugged Emily.

"Big brother!!!!i missed you!" Emily screamed in excitementl

"Hey Emily is this your brother?" Dan asked.

"Yeah it is, thank you sir!" Said Emily so cheerfully it made Dan smile and Magnus just saw Dan's face and blushed a bit the site.

"It's alright Emily and aren't you the guy i bumped in to earlier?" Dan ask little ed being  ery confused.

"Yeah, thank you for helping my little sister." Said Magnus. "What's you name kid?" He asked Dan with a happy look on his face.

"M-m-my name? Oh! It's Dan" Dan said very nervously because when he Magnus smile all he wanted to do is kiss him.

"Can i get your number and maybe we can chat a little because me and Emily have to go." Magnus quickly asked.

"O-o-o-o-ofcourse." Dan managed to get the words out of his mouthbecause of how heartstruct he is.

After exchange numbers they went off separate ways and with Dan it was silent for a whileuntil Drago broke the silents.

"Hey Dan are we there yet?" Drago asked and it sounded like he was very annoyed at Dan for making him wait.

"Where?" Dan replied.

"Remember we have a meet up with the awesome brawlers at Studio D!" Drago reminded Dan.

"AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH, I completely forgot about that while we were trying to find Emily's brother. Oh shoot, oh shoot, oh shoot." Dan started to run because he knew was late and yet he didn't know what the time was.

After a while of running to his place and then Studio D he finally made it but he was 15 minutes late and Lia was nagging at him for making them miss some of there plans and that they had a short amount of time left but really they had 1 hour then they had to go home so Lia was acting like a drama queen but after Dan explained what happened Lia immediately apologised but at the same time thinking that her ship (Magnus x Dan)(she knew Magnus's name because Dan said it while explaining the whole story of why he's late). After everyone left Shun, Wynton, Ajit and Lia were talking about starting a club that only they knew about and ofcourse they decided to name it Magdan because its the combined ship name of Magnus and Dan and they agreed to not tell Dan because he would get mad and they know Dan when he's mad and it's not pretty.

Tahnk you guys for reading this chapter and i hope you had a great day and when i posted this it was Tuesday so i will be posting less often because i want to focus on school but like i said at the starti will be try to finish this series. 750 words this took and 4 days to make.

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