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Hey guys, i will show you some signs of what i will be doing in this chapter

/call/on speaker/


Dan's POV

It's been 2 days since Liam came back and all we've all been trying to find him, Me and Magnus even reported him to the police so they know he's back. We've been seaching for an hour now and still no luck. I was with Magnus, Shila with Lia, Ajit with Wynton and Shun. My loving boyfriend came back to me with nothing but to say he wasn't here. I heard a phone ringing and went to check if it was mine. "Hey calm down there love, it's mine and it's from Shila..." He sounded unsure on whether to pick it up or not, he did pick it up in the end. "Hey Shila you got any good news?" He had made a determined face but it turned smile very quickly by what they heard. "Wait a minute i will put you on speaker so Dan can hear it aswell." 'Does she have good news', Magnus put the call on speaker and Shila started to talk again. /I know we did say not to go back to the cabine where Liam kidnapped us before but i just had to just to check, there was no-one there so we didn't think anyone was home but when we entered the room he had pictures of Dan from a couple weeks ago and some of them were even warm but only by the slightest so that means he's here, at the old house he has/ "Well i guess that is good news!" I said a bit excited 'so we know where he is but where is he.... oh no' i had a sadden look and Magnus noticed. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked a bit confused. "Hey Shila did you say that the pictures were a bit warm?" I questioned it to make sure i heard it correctly. /Yeah why?/ "I think you both should get out of there now!" I instructed, Magnus was still confused. /why should we Dan, we know where he is so why should we leave?/ Lia in questionable state. "Because he might still be in there!" I shouted and Magnus looked at me with a shocked and understanding look on his face. /Oh shit!/ Shila sweared out then we heard a door close from the other side of the phone. /Oh what are you you two still doing here?/ It was Liam's voice, i got scared. /Your not going to hurt us!/ /Oh yeah, you have no weapons to use i here have a bat i can easily knock both you out right now if i wanted to/. /Oh, i guess i forgot to mention, i have a knife with me which means you can try if you don't wanna be stabbed/. /Guys i gonna end the call and me and Shila will text you if we're safe or not!/ we hear a scream come from one person, we wanted to know who screamed but apparently they lost the connection. We got deeply worried but who was that who screamed and how did they lose the connection, they were in a perfect area with cell service. I started to cry and so did Magnus. He hugged me and had to hug back at this point, i felt sorry for Magnus he might have lost his best friend. I went to text Shun to tell him to meet up again at Studio D so we could tell them what happened or even show them the call we were on.

We got back to Studio D minutes later in tears not knowing what happened to the others or even if Liam got to them first. I forgot to mention it was raining and Me and my lover were soaked to the bone, Me and Magnus went in and ofcourse all drenched in rain water. Shun handed me a towel and Wynton handed Magnus one. We both sat on the couch, the other three waiting for us to say something but i stayed silent the whole time until Ajit spoke. "So why did you call us back for and have you guys been crying?" "Ajit we should wait for Lia and Shila to get back so they can explain." "Actually the reason we called you guys back here was because of them." They looked at us puzzled. "What about them?" I sighed and answered the question. "We were on the phone with them and they told us that they knew where Liam was hiding but instead it was an ambush by him and Liam said he had a bat and stuff but before the call ended we heard a scream then it said it was out of service." I paused and Magnus contined for me. "And we both know that area has a good service lines so it would be impossible for it to break. And we did have a thought that they might be dead but they did say they would text us if they were okay or not but they haven't yet." After we finished our explanation we looked up and saw Shun crying in Wyntons arms, Ajit and Wynton on the verge off crying but kept it in. I wanted to cry so badly and i finally gave in and started crying to, Magnus was already crying we hugged each other and that's when we heard a slam behind us. We all looked and thank all the stars they were alive, Shila was holding her arm and both of them had blood on there heads, both panting soipped down onto the cold hard floor and Shun ran over to Shila and hugged her tight making sure that she was okay. Magnus came and joined the hug that Shun was giving to his sister. "Why didn't you guys text us that you were alright and coming back here?" "Easy question.....Liam went to Lia first and smashed my phone in her hands and Lia said she left her phone at home so we had no way of telling you guys that we were okay." "What happened to your arm sis?" Shun asked concerned, he took Shila's hand off to reveal a huge cut on her arm and it was still bleeding. I quickly sat up and went to get the first aid kit and vame back with it in my hands. I was helping Lia and Shun was helping Shila with her cut. "Don't worry about the rest bro it isn't mine, it's the bastards so don't worry." She smiled and i saw that Shun was happy that she didn't get that hurt. We were finished patching them up and decided to go outside to get some fresh air. But what i didn't know is that there was someone watching me. "Hey Dan, do you feel like someone's watching you?" Drago asked. "No why do you?" "Yeah and i feel them coming closer now." I trusted him and turned around but i got mouth covered by a cloth and everything quickly became blurry so i could hardly see who was infront of me. "Nighty night my Danny boo!" I quickly felt myself being taken in arms and the last words i heard was "DAN!!!!!!!" and then everything went black.

Magnus's POV

I saw Dan go outside probably to get some fresh air and i knew he would only be gone a minute but five minutes have gone and he still isn't back yet so went to check on him and saw Liam holding a cloth over his mouth and holding him by the waist with a evil grin planted on his face. I saw Dan was about to pass out and i shouted "DAN!!!!!!!" Liam looked at me smirking. I was furious and i was already crying again. "Hush now dear Magnus you wouldn't want to wake Dan up now would we." He laughed, and started to talk again. "Ahh, awesome brawlers, i suggest if you ever want to see Dan again you will have to play hide n seek, you all are the seekers and me and Dan are the hiders now try and find us!" He threw a smoke bomb on the ground and vanished just like that. I fell to my knees and sobbed i couldn't lose Dan.
3 days later
It's been three days since Dan went missing, we already told the police everything and they are still seaching for Dan. We all miss and all we want is for Dan to come back. I stayed in my room most of the time, Shila came often to look after me and Emily she was also sad but infront of Emily she had to smile so Emily wouldn't try do anything and won't get suspicious. It was hard on everybody and the others even try to help the police find Dan but it hasn't worked so far. I will help at some point but for now the only piece of imformation i gave the po.ice is what he looks like so i suppose that's helpful. We will continue to look for Dan and won't give up until we do.


Bye wolfies and thanks for the ideas blaze112005 the next one is also another request by  her along with a special chapter after Dan gets recuded so watch out for updates and i will try to publish tomorrow aswell but we have to wait and see. Bye wolfies 🐺🐺

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