AoT T5W au

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Okay so I've been having this weird obsession with this book called The 5th Wave. And so far im liking it. It mentions a lot of death in it so its sorta like AoT but instead of titans to worry about its aliens that look like people!

Anyway I really liked the idea of doing a crossover with it so here I am writing one. But there are you a few things you must know that happened to understand with out going "What?"  Soo

0.waves-attacks from aliens

1. The first wave-lights out (emp happened)

2. second wave-surfs up (tsunami)

3.third wave-pestilence (red death)

4.fourth wave-silencer(A humanoid looking being that's a sniper)

5.Fifth wave-(don't know its real name but) Eachother

6.Silencer- 15 years prier were originally human children still in mother womb who were download with an extraterrestrial being who when awaked 13 years after absorbed the life of the host and merged into one being who is programed to assassinated humans

7.Red death-A pleague that swept over the world that either killed you or didn't, it depended on if it liked how you tasted. You would cough up blood and cry blood tears. If the pleague decided you tasted bad it would leave and you'd go back to normal. VERY CONTAGIOUS!

8. more on the fifth wave- Aliens that have download themselves into human bodies running camps where they train only children who's minds can be manipulated easily to kill. these kids don't know the head of the camp(s) are aliens so they do as told and kill innocent people thinking they're the ones downloaded with aliens

9.Going Dorothy- basically going crazy or maybe not so crazy, usually people who go Dorothy are insane or see through the aliens facade and before they can spread the truth are killed

10.Trust no one

All rights reserved! the fifth wave belongs to Rick Yancey!!★

So yeah im going to continue on with they story now

Third person POV-

3:54 AM

You hit the ground running, not knowing where but somewhere, anywhere but there. You tried to put as much distance between your back and your squadrent. They all thought you went Dorothy on them! Couldn't they see through it?! Through the lies! Guess they couldn't.

You ran down the open highway the mothership still gleaming in all her glory, miles above the sky, watching, always watching. It annoyed you, having it sit there stay still never moving. Was it mocking you?

The thoughts immediately fled from your mind as you tripped flying forwards over something.

Propping yourself on your elbows and moving a piece of your tangled (h/c) behind your ear you looked down by your combat boots. A dead body. You wanted to gag, even though you've seen dead people countless times these past torturous months you can never get used to it.

Hurriedly you picked yourself back up, fear entering your mind on how that person died. It could have been a silencer? A drone? You had no clue. The only thing you new for certain was if you wanted to live you needed to get as far away as possible.

So that exactly what you did.


Taking off your pack you slumped up against the nearest tree, letting your knees buckle underneath you allowing you to fall to the ground with a heave.

Hurriedly you loomed through the black pack. "Shit." You let your head hit the tree stump with a thud. " It fell out... Dammit its all gone." All your supplies had fallen out somewhere along the way. Your water bottle, food, everything that guaranteed your survival. You still had your gun, but what good was it without ammunition?

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You repeated while hitting your head back on the tree. Your throat burned and your stomach grumbled, not having eaten since yesterdays breakfast.

You sighed and let your eyes flutter closed. Right now you would mire then welcome fate...but you head to find Christa, you knew she wouldn't make it out there alone so you had to get back to her, you promised Ymir you wpuld take care of her, the only problem was you had no idea where she was.

So caught up in your thoughts you didn't hear the firm press of combat boots against the moist soil edging closer. That wasn't until you felt something cold and metallic press itself harshly against your temple. "What are you?"

You let one eye open revealing your (e/c) eyes that were so void of any happiness. "That's a good question, what are we?" You stated bluntly dyeing the boy up and down. He was a brunette with brilliant turquoise eyes a normal build for a you mg boy around 15? 16? He was wearing normal clothes a grey tank with a red plaid overshirt that was left unbuttoned and ripped jeans. Did I forget to meantion the gun in his belt look and the even bigger one in his hand?

"Don't fuck with me, tell me what you are." His harsh tone made you wince.

"Im (y/n) (l/n) 15 year old, former student at (school/n) turning sixteen in a month, 100% human and hating it."

He backed off a little bit, eyebrows coming together in a frown. "Any weapons on you?"

You gave a dry laugh. "None unless your looking for an empty handgun."There was an awkward silence after that, neither of you moved from your positions.

"Why are you wearing that uniform?" You looked at your clothes combat boots, an army inform, you no longer had the eyepiece.

You stayed silent wondering if you should lie or not. He was only a boy and by the looks of it not a threat, well minus the gun then he's not a threat. "I was a soilder for the camp that's a few miles back."


"Yeah..I went Dorothy or I just saw the truth and when you figure out the truth you die. So I left. Both would end in the same thing. Stay die, leave die. I just decided I wanna die later."

The boy nodded lowering his weapon. "So what was the truth?" He crouched down so he was now eye level with you, finger still against the trigger.

You sat up bringing your knees to your chest not because you were scared, no, you just felt more comfortable that way. "Well, the truth was they were the aliens...the guys running the camp. They told us lies, told us we Were doing the right thing and killing they infestants, but turns out they were they infestants...I killed innocent people for them. So I ran away from them. But I guess that was stupid, they still have me tagged and bagged."

"Hm?" His head tilted the slightest in confusion and you couldn't help think of it adorable in a totally not weird 'i just met you' kind of way. "What's tagged and bagged?"

"Long story short it just means they have a tracker in me." He nodded again understandingly.

The boy stood up. "So where did they put it?" Your finger subconsciously found the back of your nape touching the little bump tenderly.

You traced over it a couple times. "Right there."

He rubbed his chin for a minute pacing back and forth stirring up the muddy ground making it worse. "Okay I have a deal for you." You gave the slightest nod to show him you were listening and festered for him to go on. "If I cut the tracker out you have to do me a favor and come with me."


"I have my reasons."

"What are those reasons?"

"Do you want the tracker out or not?"


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