The longest walk

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As I locked my door I put my keys subtly in my bag then darted my head around to see figure slumped against the lamppost , I couldn't tell who it was at first because of the fog but then I recognised the longish black mop hair , it was Gerard , but I hardly recognised him , he lost a lot of weight , he was now quite slender and he wore skinny jeans his black mop suited his very subtle eyeliner and his chestnut eyes , he looked attractive I thought but I didn't think anything of it , I smiled and poked playfully at his shoulder
"Hey , you've changed , a lot I don't recognise you "
He laughed his eyes lit up , and he smiled his casual droopy smile and straitened his posture so now he was about 1 inch and a bit taller than me ,
" nothing's changed about you chloe , same old doc martins and wrist bands , the heads gonna be pissed at you !" He said with laughter in his voice it hurt a little that he didn't notice my weight loss but I smiled anyway , he gave me a slight nod to gesture we start walking , It was the longest walk I had ever done well it felt like it at least , but then I had to spark a convo soon so I asked him " how come you lost some weight , I mean you look great how did you do it ? " he shot a quick look in my direction then he fumbled around with his thumbs then he finally muttered " well I've been sketching a lot more.....and it's been keeping me occupied .." He sounded unsure but I went with it , then he looked at me and stopped " something's different about you" , he looked then it looked as if a lightbulb went off "your thinner , well done you look lovely " I thanked him an felt my checks go beet , my stomach was full of butterflies , but he said I looked pretty before and it never bothered me , why now I let the feeling go but it was playing in my mind for a bit so I tried to change the subject in my mind " do you want to be my science partner because we have a lot of projects this term , and means we're best mates it will be easier , he liked a bit unease at first but then he said "yeah why not " I was starting to wonder what got into him , he seems to find talking about himself a bit awkward , but it's nothing new i suppose then I looked up we were at the school gates I took a deep breathe and i looked up towards him , he looked how I felt , sick from bad memories then he looked at me , "see you 3rd period" he smiled nervously
I had the biggest urge to hug him but I just darted a quick look towards him and agreed then went to my form class , it was hard being in different forms but we were always in the same science , history , maths and music which was okay and we alway met at lunch and break , then we were seated in our form tutor -Mr Barnard - moaned on about how we must do well this year as I was looking around I saw Gerard outside , he saw me to and crossed his eyes making me laugh , I was in trouble once again

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